56 lb. weight, 28 lb. weight, 16 lb. hammer, and a 17.6 lb. stone
With most of the people we throw with in Austin for a competition today, it was just
darthcynthia and me throwing this morning. A friend came out to watch (and fly his radio-controlled helicopters).
The comic geek in me loves Cynthia's Dark Phoenix pose in this one...
I was going to balance the hammer, but it dug into my chin.
I told Cynthia and Dave that I could do it if I had a towel, or something, to protect my chin.
Cynthia looked relieved.
Dave said, "You have a glove."
(No wonder men are more likely to hurt themselves doing stupid things.)
So with the glove on my chin, I was able to balance the hammer.
One of Dave's helicopters.
Dave flying the bigger helicopter.
Dave flying his smaller helicopter.
It was a fun morning.
Now it's time to write, and I'm hanging with a friend this evening.
Glad we get an extra hour of sleep tonight :)