A good friend at work shared the best picture of a frightened child ever! And he gave me permission to share it with the world.
I've seen pictures of kids crying at the sight of Santa Claus, and I've seen kids screaming in terror at the feet of Mickey Mouse. Nevermind how many "Get the clown away, Mommy!!!" photos I've seen.
My friend grew up in Berlin, and while I'm sure these days any bear suited monstrosity over there is cuddly and cute, there was a time when lead paint chips on playgrounds were common, toys came with sharp metal edges, and people in animal suits were terrifying.
I don't know that the hell they were thinking when they created the bear suit; the thing is the stuff of nightmares. All it's missing is dried blood and entrails around the snout.
I think what I love most about the photo is it's just the bear and my friend. The older film looks like the film stock from an old zombie movie. Zombies would be a welcome sight when compared to the evil menace of that bear!
It looks like my friend is the last kid on earth, and the only other living thing is the bear.
You almost feel bad for him.
I've been looking at this photo for days, and only today could I bring myself to drinking water while gazing at the beauty of everything going on. Until today, I'd laugh so hard, I'd choke.
This photo is the reason photography was invented as far as I'm concerned.