Dream the other night: I wrote a musical. About zombies. Zombie: The Musical...With Blood...And Guts! It was about a zombie's struggle to break away from the hoarde and fit in with humans. It cracked me up and would be a good musical, I tell ya!
Internet in our building is down, so
darthcynthia is going nuts. SciFi Channel is doing a Firefly marathon, though. She's finally hooked (she'd never seen the show), which means I'll be hooked by default. I'm not big on sci fi, but if she got me hooked on Star Trek The Next Generation and Voyager, I'm guessing Firefly will be an easier sell...
The new apartment's cool...really enjoying being closer to work, but being out in Roanoke after living in Grapevine longer than anyplace I've ever lived is weird. I've lived in Grapevine longer than I lived in my hometown, north of Chicago...
Glad it's Friday...
I guess that's about it...