Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Naoto is a plotbunny, part four-B anonymous March 6 2011, 04:27:13 UTC
"Put on your coat, or I won't listen to you, Kana-me." Naoto said.

Ohgi put on his coat. "Naoto," he said, once he had retrieved his things from Naoto's arms and they had exited the school grounds. He glanced around the street, making sure that no one was listening. "Are you housing a terrorist?"

Naoto stopped.


"Naoto--" Ohgi started.

Naoto started laughing, curling up on himself slightly and leaning on the wall for support. "You-" he snickered, "What?"

"Oh God," Ohgi said. "You're not housing a terrorist."

"No," Naoto said. He shook, a giggle slipping out of his mouth. "You--I thought that you had gotten yourself attacked or something. You know after I got your message I started combing the streets? I was scared that you had gone and went to a yakuza shooting or something. And then, this? That's hilarious!"

"But the blood!" Ohgi protested.


"On your fingers, when I came to your house yesterday!" Ohgi rambled. "I didn't notice at the time because of the new person, but you had blood on your fingers and then I made you walk in the cold and are you okay?" He needed to stop. He was making himself look like an idiot. Oh, he would definitely regret this tonight.

"Oh, that!" Naoto said. "I'm learning how to do stitches. Kallen brought home a live chicken, so..."

"That's sick." Ohgi said.

"But it's still alive!" Naoto said. "Kallen wouldn't leave me alone with it until I promised I would do my best to keep it, well, alive."

"Oh." Ohgi said.

"So." Naoto urged. "It really makes you that nervous?"

"What?" Ohgi asked.

"For me to become part of a resistance group?"

"Oh." Ohgi said.

"I see," Naoto said. "Well, drat. That puts an end to my devious plan to take you to Kyoto." He sighed theatrically. "Well, it was either your morals or the make-up work you'd have to do. Don't worry about it."

They stopped in front of Ohgi's apartment. "Do you want to come in?" He offered. "We could drink that sake..."

"Sorry," Naoto apologized, "but I've got to pick up Kallen."

"Oh," Ohgi said, "well I'll talk to you later then." He unlocked the door with his left hand, pushing it open with his foot.

"See you then!" Naoto said. He began to walk the path they had come from, and Ohgi wondered when his friend's back began to look so lonely.

"What," he said, almost stuttering, "is in Kyoto?"

Naoto turned to him and smiled. "The Japanese Liberation Front."

Ohgi shut the door, and watched Naoto stare at his apartment for a moment. Then he shut the blinds.

He has papers to grade.


OP: they're getting there, yay anonymous March 6 2011, 21:42:59 UTC
Ohgi is doomed, but he doesn't know it yet))


Re: OP: they're getting there, yay anonymous March 8 2011, 13:54:34 UTC
Dropping a line to let you know writer!Anon won't be able to update until the weekend. See you then! :)


Naoto is a plotbunny, part five-A anonymous March 27 2011, 04:04:20 UTC
Sorry for the wait, OP, Writer!Anon was in the hospital for a bit. Not much actual Ohgi here, Writer!Anon needed sibling fluff.


The doorbell rang noisily and Ohgi grimaced at the clock.

5:26 AM It reported to him cheerily. He turned over in his bed, resolving to ignore the--whatever it was that had awoken him.

A moment later, the door rang again. Ohgi sighed. It didn't seem like whoever it was was going to go away. He pulled the pair of pants from the end of his bed and slipped them over his boxers, pulling his loose t-shirt to cover the hem. Then he wiped the sleep out of his eyes and trudged to the door. He looked through the peephole, but saw no one. Ohgi shook his head, and looked again. It was strange--there was only a bit of green in the eyehole, almost as if--

Ohgi sighed and opened the door.

"Good morning Kana-me!" Naoto greeted him in a stage whisper. "How are you this fine morning?"

Ohgi blinked. "Wha--"

"Oh, how rude of me," Naoto said. "Kallen's here too--" He nudged the girl behind him, and she peered at him with bright green eyes. Ohgi had never really talked to the young girl before, so he nodded in greeting. There was an uneasy pause and Naoto said, "Well, I suppose you should let us into your home now."

Ohgi complied. What would the neighbors think if the two siblings--both attractive and with Britannian coloring, no less--were standing in the hall? He stepped back before remembering the mess of papers that he had spread out everywhere, and then he grimaced.

"It's a good thing you didn't come out in your boxers," Naoto said after Ohgi had shut the door. "Or I would have had to kill you for tainting Kallen's eyes."

Kallen laughed, waving the concern off, "I've seen better."

Naoto dropped the bag he had been pulling off of his back. It made a clacking sound against the wooden floor and Ohgi hoped nothing had broken. "Boys, Kallen?"

"Yes," Kallen said, rolling her eyes. "Keep up, Naoto." She stressed his name the same way Naoto stressed Ohgi's, and for a moment Ohgi thought that he was imagining this all. It was all just a very convoluted dream, was all.

"But Kallen--" Naoto whined, slightly, "you're not supposed to like boys yet." He pushed back his bangs. "Do I need to kill someone?"

Kallen shrugged. "Only if you're killing the all the males in my class."

Something tightened in Naoto's jaw, and Ohgi pressed his fingers to it without thinking.

There was a pause.

Ohgi blinked, and when he looked the two siblings had turned their gazes onto him, bright green inquiring. Naoto's jaw had loosened in his surprise, Ohgi noted happily, and so in response he said, "I forgot to welcome you to my house. Is there anything you guys are here for, or...?"

Huh. Interesting, Ohgi thought, as Naoto looked triumphant and Kallen turned slightly red.

"I need to borrow your female friends," Naoto said.

Ohgi looked at him, waiting for more explanation.

"Almost immediately, since I think that Kallen's going to bleed through the cotton any minute now."

"What?" Ohgi turned to Kallen. "You're injured? What happened? Is your mother okay? Naoto, do we need the hospital? Let me go get the pho--"

"My period, stupid." Kallen interjected. "And you're no better, brother, letting him just wander through panic like that."

Naoto shrugged. "Kana-me's cute when he's panicked."

Ohgi sighed, mentally running through the women he knew. Mayama would be too pushy, Keira too questioning, Ami too flirty. Ah, but there was Inoue from the Literature department... "Let me call Inoue." He left the room to grab the phone he had beside his bed.

Naoto and Kallen watched him go.


Naoto is a plotbunny, part five-A anonymous March 27 2011, 04:04:58 UTC

"You like him, huh?" Kallen said.

Naoto glanced at her. "Are you going to tell Mom?"

"She doesn't know yet?" Kallen asked doubtfully. "You're pretty obvious." She flicked the ends of her hair at him. "I have female friends, you know. Who already have started their period. And we could have just woken up Mom."

"Don't ruin my excuse, Kallen," Naoto scolded good-naturedly. "I'm trying to spend time with Kaname."

"Using my period?"

"Well," Naoto shrugged, "I admit that I want to know what women Kaname's playing with." He sighed, pushing his hair back again.

"For what?" Kallen said. "You aren't going to kill them, you're not going to flirt with them... What purpose do you have in meeting them?"

Naoto laughed. "I'm going to recruit them, of course."

"For your resistance group?"

"Yeah," Naoto said. "I'm going to round up some people and then take them with me to Kyoto. We'll meet the Japan Liberation Front and might even be able to set up a base right here in Shinjuku."

"Why don't you just tell Ohgi that, then? You're friends, right?" Kallen asked.

"Because," Naoto said, "he doesn't agree. Yet."

"And since he doesn't agree you won't touch him?" At her brother's silence, Kallen sighed. "You realize he probably doesn't even know you're attracted to him?"

Naoto shrugged. "That's not the main issue here."

"Yeah, it is." Kallen said. "I want to be able to say I have a gay brother."

Laughing, Naoto pulled her into him. "You're silly."

"No," Kallen said. "I'm bleeding. Remember?"

"Still silly," Naoto said. They locked fingers, and Kallen sighed. "What?"

Kallen looked at him, searching his eyes carefully. "Promise," she said, "that if he does something stupid you won't be hurt by it. He doesn't know."

Naoto kissed the top of her head. "Can't."


Naoto is a plotbunny, part six anonymous May 15 2012, 19:39:10 UTC
After a year, writer!Anon is back. This ends really abruptly, but I wanted to finish it up. Descends into pron.

Hope OP will eventually find this?


When Inoue arrived fifteen minutes after his call, Ohgi should have expected that she would be caught be Naoto's charm the same way he had been. He hadn't thought on it though, and for a moment he wished that he had.

"It's okay to call you Naomi, right?" Naoto said cheerfully, slouching against the wall next to the bathroom.

Inoue did something strange with her cheeks, and Ohgi would have called it a blush if Sugiyama hadn't told him that Inoue couldn't blush. Ohgi stared at her cheeks a bit more, squinting, because it irritated him--

Probably because he had spent the last three years hearing about how Sugiyama couldn't get her to even look at him.

Kaname sighed, glancing at Naoto, and he startled a bit when he met Naoto's eyes.

"It's fine, of course." Inoue said, her voice a ripple in the air. "If I can call you Naoto."

Naoto broke eye contact to look at her, a smile twisting its way easily across his lips. "Of course it is, my dear." He said brightly. "We are Nao-friends henceforth." He slung an arm over her shoulder easily. "But you can't have Kana-me, okay? He's mine." His eyes swung up to meet Ohgi's and they glimmered mischievously.

Ohgi couldn't help the rush of pleasure that crept up his spine, despite the fact that he was rolling his eyes. "Don't start telling rumors, Naoto."

Naoto hummed, and looked to tell him otherwise when the bathroom door opened.

The change in Naoto when Kallen was involved was something that Ohgi had always found himself a little jealous of. There was something about the relationship- and Ohgi had never been able to put a finger on what it was that made him yearn for it. It wasn't that he wanted a younger sister; he knew enough to say that he would be more than whipped. It was more that he wanted…an older brother?

Kallen exited the bathroom, a small bag at her side. Naoto embraced her quickly, long arms wrapping around her form as he mumbled something to her. Kallen made a face that quickly dissolved into a knowing look. She whispered something back, and Naoto--

Naoto jerked back from her, eyes wide and a flush creeping up his face.

Ohgi clenched his fist.

Glancing quickly at Ohgi, Naoto said, "Naomi, would you mind bringing Kallen home today? I want her to know everything that she needs to know about her girl things."

Inoue looked at him knowingly, and Naoto resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at her. Kallen rolled her eyes and swung the bag over her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah," she said, a triumphant note in her voice. "Just don't do anything stupid."

Inoue laughed, and placed an arm around Kallen's shoulder. "Let's leave the boys alone then, hm?"

Naoto pat the older woman's shoulder, then embraced Kallen quickly. "You still have school tomorrow, right? Don't be late."

Kallen waved him off and moved through the door. "Thanks for letting us come in, Ohgi."

Ohgi smiled at her, finding it oddly difficult. "Any time, Kallen." As Inoue passed him, he said, "Thank you for your help today, Inoue." His smile grew tighter.

Inoue looked at him, and pulled him closer. "You shouldn't be jealous, Ohgi." She laughed brightly. "That man is crazy about you, and I'm spoken for." She tossed her hair playfully, and ushered Kallen out the door. Ohgi closed and locked the door behind them out of habit.


Naoto is a plotbunny, part seven anonymous May 15 2012, 19:41:37 UTC

Then Naoto slipped his arms around Ohgi's waist, hugging him like he was going to disappear.

Ohgi let himself relax. "What's up, Naoto? You know we both have to wake up early tomorrow."

"I'm leaving for Kyoto next week," Naoto said, softly. "I wanted you to know." He squeezed Ohgi's waist, and it felt like a goodbye, Ohgi realized with a falling feeling. As his arms began to slip away, Ohgi grasped Naoto's hands and intwined their fingers.

He pulled Naoto against his back. "Don't go." He said, equally softly. Naoto wouldn't come back, Ohgi was sure. Naoto wouldn't return once he went to that place where his wildest dreams were brought to life. "Don't go." And then, unbidden, "Don't leave me."

Naoto made a sound like a whine, and Ohgi said nothing. Then Naoto untangled their hands, and Ohgi mourned the loss before his friend's hands grasped his hips and turned him around. Ohgi looked down into Naoto's eyes, the color of the sky after a storm.

"Say it again. " Naoto said. "Ohgi, say it again."

Ohgi instead leaned down and pressed his lips against the other male's. Softly, softly, he pressed his lips to Naoto's again and again in substitute to his words. Naoto began to respond, lips moving together until Ohgi never wanted to let them part. His hands moved around Naoto's waist and pulled him closer as Naoto's fingers slipped against his cheeks.

When they broke apart, Ohgi stared at Naoto's lips, red and wet. "Naoto," he said, echoing with his heart breaking. "Naoto, don't ever call me Ohgi."

Naoto huffed a sigh. "Stupid." He laughed. "Why are you so stupid?" He looked away from Ohgi. "I didn't want this."

Emptiness. A feeling like the void drips from Ohgi's chest.

Naoto embraces Ohgi. "I don't want you to touch me," he pressed a kiss to Ohgi's lips. "I don't want it because you want me to stay." He moved one hand to cup Ohgi's genitals through his pants, massaging Ohgi through the thick cloth. "I want this because you can't stand being apart from me."

Ohgi's chest filled with something like desire, and he moved his hips against the motion of Naoto's hand. "Naoto," he murmured. "Naoto." He could feel himself hardening under Naoto's fingers. He moved his hands to clutch Naoto's ass, pulling the smaller male up against him.

Naoto pulled away to look at him. "Sit on your couch, Ohgi."

Ohgi sat, but Naoto didn't sit next to him as he had hoped. Instead, his companion sat across from him. He noted the strain in Naoto's pants, and he wiped his hand on his pants, trying to ignore his own hardness. Naoto looked at Ohgi carefully, scrutinizing him from head to toe. Ohgi shivered at the sight of Naoto staring at him so intently, and he spread his legs to emphasize his arousal.

Naoto met his eyes. "We can't go back after this." He said, almost a reminder to himself than to Ohgi.

"I know," Ohgi said.

"You won't be able to leave me after this."

"I know."

"And you'll have to promise to take care of Kallen."

"I would have anyway," Ohgi said affectionately. Trust Naoto to still be worried about that after all this time.


Naoto is a plotbunny, part eight anonymous May 15 2012, 19:43:29 UTC
Naoto hummed, a bit more cheerfully. "Well, welcome to the rebellion then, Kana-me."

"Of-" Ohgi blinked. "What?"

"Since you have your own apartment, we'll have to gather here to start until we can get out own place, but that shouldn't be a problem." Naoto stood and sank into Ohgi's lap, atop his erection.

Ohgi rolled his hips into Naoto's weight. "Wait," he panted softly, "Naoto--"

Naoto ground down on him, friction making Ohgi's eyes roll back. "I won't be able to pay you, of course, but--oh--I can pay you in other ways, yeah?" His hips stuttered against Ohgi's.

"Naoto." Ohgi grasped the other male's hips with unsteady fingers. "Naoto, are you seducing me?" He blinked up at Naoto's face.

Naoto whined. "Why not?" He spread his legs further, sliding down into Ohgi's lap.

Ohgi spluttered. "You're my best friend, Naoto." His hips jerked up into Naoto's crotch. "W-why couldn't you just have asked if you--wanted me to join?"

"You--uh--" Naoto shut his eyes tightly and wrapped his fingers into Ohgi's shirt. "You would never have said yes."

"So you're offering to sleep with me instead?"

"Well," Naoto said, breath against Ohgi's temple. "what a dirty mind you have, Kana-me. I haven't offered you anything like that," his body jerked, "yet."

Ohgi laughed under his breath, "You're on my lap, on top of my cock, and telling me you aren't offering sex?"

Naoto kissed him. "I'm attracted to you, yeah. And it would definitely be a perk to--hm--have that big cock of yours in me, but--that's not quite what I'm offering here."

Ohgi pulled Naoto in for a deeper kiss. "Then what, Naoto? What are you offering to me?" His left hand was behind Naoto's neck, holding him close; his right hand held the left globe of Naoto's ass.

Naoto blinked, looking at him. "The future, Ohgi." Naoto kissed his cheek. "The future of Japan. I want to get it back from Britannia, and I want you to be my partner in doing so."

Ohgi sat back, ignoring the strain in his pants. This was something much more serious than a quick fuck then. "You've always been serious, huh?"

Naoto leaned into him. "Always, Kana-me."

"And us?" Ohgi said. "What of this?" Was Naoto going to throw himself at every member of his resistance? Use that easy smile of his and his body to guarantee loyalty?

"Hm," Naoto said. "What about us?"

"Are you going to whore yourself out to your resistance cell?" Ohgi demanded, his voice rougher than he had intended.

Naoto looked at him, and caught his mouth with a gentle kiss. "I'm on your lap because I'm attracted to you, Kana-me. I'm here because if you pull out your cock right now, I'll suck it. I'm here right now because I want you to use me." He laughed, a bright sound. "If you want to call me a whore, than I suppose you could." He lowered his hips onto Ohgi's. "But only for you."

Ohgi growled, a possessive sound that surprised him. "Fine." He held Naoto's hips still. "Fine, you win."

Naoto looked at him softly, his face and eyes like a child who had just won. "Kana-me." He kissed his forehead. "Kana-me." His cheek. "Kana-me." His lips. He pressed their foreheads together. "Promise?"


Naoto is a plotbunny, part nine (final) anonymous May 15 2012, 19:44:22 UTC
Ohgi unzipped his pants, watching how Naoto's eyes followed the motion. "I'll join your cell, Naoto. But you better keep your word-- and that means no one else touches you besides me," he pressed a possessive kiss to Naoto's lips. "No one else gets to touch you this way."

Naoto laughed and got off of his lap, sinking to his knees and Ohgi undid his pants and released his erection. "It was always you, silly." Naoto said, and took Ohgi into his mouth, sucking the head gently and flicking the tip with his tongue gently.

Ohgi slipped his fingers through Naoto's hair, jerking up as Naoto took more of him into his mouth. The other male suckled him, tongue mapping out the shape of his cock. The sight of his friend, lips stretched around his member, made Ohgi's body tremble in arousal.

Naoto took his mouth off of Ohgi, saliva dripping off of his lips, and pushed Ohgi's pants down further. His fingers pulled at Ohgi's balls, rubbing them gently before he leant in and smelled them. He pulled one into his mouth and the pumped Ohgi's penis with his other hand, squeezing lightly and humming around Ohgi.

Ohgi pulled Naoto up quickly, cock jerking at the slick sound of Naoto's mouth popping off of his balls. He pressed a kiss to Naoto's mouth, pushing the other male's mouth open and licking his teeth as his pressed Naoto to the couch. He humped Naoto's leg, slicking his jeans with saliva and his juices and he plundered the other male's mouth.

"Naoto," Ohgi panted as he came, darkness pulling over his eyes as he emptied himself onto Naoto's leg and shirt, "Naoto. Don't leave me."

Naoto kissed him. "I never could."

Aware of Naoto's own hardness, Ohgi moved his loose limbs to undo the other male's pants. He slipped Naoto's dirty pants and underwear off. Naoto blushed as he watched Ohgi, and Ohgi scooped up his come on Naoto's pants and dripped them onto Naoto's cock. Naoto's cock jerked, and Ohgi smiled. He rubbed his juices onto Naoto's cock and balls, following them until they slipped past Naoto's hole. With one hand, he braced himself above his--lover? friend? comrade?

He fit his mouth over Naoto's cock, licking up his own cum from Naoto's skin, as his other hand began to play with Naoto's hole, pressing lightly against it. When the tip of his finger pushed its way into Naoto's body, the other male came into his mouth, panting, and his abrupt movement sheathed Ohgi's finger entirely into his body. Ohgi sucked Naoto dry before gently pushing his legs up.

His finger, still encased in Naoto's ass, spread the hole wider than Ohgi had ever seen it. He pushed the finger in as deeply as he could, watching as Naoto's hole stretched to fit the wider part of his finger.

"Take it out, Kana-me." Naoto panted.

Ohgi slipped his finger out of the tight hole, watching as it fluttered in remembrance of the width that it had taken in.

Naoto wrapped his legs around Ohgi's waist and kissed the older man.

"Next time, ne?"


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