Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Naoto is a plotbunny, part two anonymous March 5 2011, 04:42:49 UTC
Glad you like! Was originally going to write a bit of dialogue, but then it exploded into a scene. XP The more I learn about Naoto the more I like him~

Now then,


Naoto has a presence that slips its way into a person's vision until people stop chattering. It's always been true, to the point that Ohgi has even had to send his friend away because his students are drooling and not paying attention to the main point of the lecture he's been building up to for the past hour.

Like now, for instance.

Ohgi didn't notice at first, and there's really no excuse for that since the lecture class is only thirty people, but somewhere along the line his old friend slipped into the back row. He actually doesn't notice until Mayama, his assistant professor, stops writing and stares at the back of the room. At first, Ohgi figures that is must be a prank. Perhaps one of the girl's panties has been strung up, or a desk has fallen apart. He sighs, one eye closed and turns to his class. "Come, now--"

"That's attractive, Kana-me." Naoto's voice responded from the back of the room.

Someone giggled.

"Kozuki," Ohgi said sharply. Naoto's smile slipped, for a bit, and Ohgi almost felt guilty. The almost sensation disappears when Naoto smiled again. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit you." He replied. "But shouldn't you teach your class first? We can catch up later." He waved his hand dismissively. "Just ignore me."

And that was like asking plants not to turn to the sun. Ohgi sighed. Even if he could ignore the male's presence, the rest of the class would definitely be distracted. It was time to cut his losses. "Class, finish up the remainder of the study guide for discussion tomorrow. Anyone who doesn't will write a three-page essay on the fluctuation of the exchange rate. Questions?" He glanced around the room. "Dismissed."

The students began to chatter as the gathered their things, and Ohgi took the time to watch his friend be approached by no less than three groups of girls. He smiled as he waved off their--invitations? questions?-- and after each group he would glance at Ohgi.

The other male was attractive, no doubt, the same way his sister would be when she grew up. Ohgi sighed. An attractive male was apparently all it took to derail his carefully planned lesson.

"Stop sighing, Ohgi." Naoto said softly.

At one point or another he had moved to the front row and was staring quite intently at Ohgi.

"Naoto," Ohgi said, half-apology.

"What is it, Ohgi?"

"Naoto," Ohgi said. Oh, Naoto was in a difficult mood.

"Ohgi," Naoto replied.

Someone coughed behind them and Ohgi turned. "Ah, Mayama. You can go as well." She glanced between Ohgi and Naoto. If Ohgi could do so without embarassing Mayama and pissing Naoto off, he would have slapped his forehead. "Mayama, this is Kozuki Naoto, an old friend of mine." He gestured. "Naoto, this is Mayama Harue, my assistant professor."

Naoto smiled, unexpectedly. "Mayama, would you happen to be Mayama Hina's older sister?"

"Um, yes?" Mayama blushed. "How do you know my sister?"

Naoto laughed. "She works at the library where I do research. She's very kind. I had no idea she had such a lovely sister."

"Naoto," Ohgi warned.

"Yes, yes." Naoto said. "This pest will leave now so you can be lovey-dovey with Mayama." He walked up to the door, and Ohgi counted his steps.

"Hey," Ohgi said, and Naoto pauses at the door. "What did you need?"

A brief look flashes over Naoto's face, and Ohgi doesn't quite catch it.

"Nothing," Naoto said, turning. "Bye, Ohgi."

"Naoto," Ohgi said. He shouldn't let Naoto go. Naoto turned, looking almost...hopeful? "Should you pick up Kallen?"

The look returned and Naoto left without a word.

He turned to Mayama and they discussed revising the next day's lesson plan to include discussion. His mind starts wandering half way through, and he knows that it is irresponsible of him but he can't quite get Naoto's expression out of his mind.

Because Naoto would talk to him if something was wrong.



Re: Naoto is a plotbunny, part two anonymous March 5 2011, 04:53:41 UTC
OP is soo liking this thing going on between them and how Naoto is a center of attraction.


Naoto is a plotbunny, part three-A anonymous March 5 2011, 14:23:23 UTC
Writer!Anon is thrilled that you like. :]

There are so many possibilities with this bond that it's likely your prompt won't be approached for a bit more, since badplanner!writer anon is writing as she goes. On that note, Sorry for all the tense shifts. XP

This bit ended up so long that it had to be split into two posts, so haha?

And thus,


Ohgi hadn't seen Naoto for six days.

Now, if this had been someone else-- say, perhaps, Minami from Literature, Ohgi would have just brushed it off as Naoto being busy. But the fact remained that, actually, it was weird.

Particularly because it was moments like this that made him see how one-sided their friendship was. It was always Naoto who sought him out first. Ohgi had always dismissed this, thinking that it was the difference in their personalities, but perhaps it had been very inconsiderate. Naoto wasn't like a puppy with no home to return to but Ohgi-- he had other friends, other people around him. The thought echoed into a slight pain in his chest, and Ohgi tried to rub it away. Of course Naoto would not feel the difference of a few days. He had always had many more people gather around him than Ohgi, so it wasn't that he was avoiding--

Ah, and that was it.

Naoto was avoiding him.

Ohgi's not quite sure why that hurts less than the idea of Naoto being surrounded by people Ohgi doesn't know.

But it's that same idea that makes him buy a bottle of sake (expensive, on his tiny salary) and walk the half-mile to the apartment Naoto shares with his sister and mother. He climbed up two flights of stairs, avoiding the elevator to give himself some time to think.

When he knocked on the door of the well-lit apartment, though, it wasn't Kallen, or Naoto, or Ms. Kozuki.

It was a stranger, a lanky man with a young face and a set to his lips that made Ohgi feel like someone intruding.

"What?" The man demanded.

"Uh, is Naoto here?" Ohgi said. This was a bad idea. He didn't need to come here.

A muffled voice comes from the back of the apartment.

"Some guy," the man says, "but jeezus, you'd think that he'd give his name first!"

More muffled discussion.

"Yeah, yeah." The man says, "He's looking for Naoto."

Footsteps, and then the door opened wider and the man was shoved half-heartedly to the side. Naoto appeared soon afterwards, and Ohgi took a moment to soak in his friend's bloody fingers and wide eyes.

"Kan--Ohgi," Naoto corrected himself half-way through. He brushed his fingers on a cloth in his hands, and then tossed the cloth over his shoulder. "What are you doing here?"

The lanky man slid an arm over Naoto's shoulder. "You're forgetting a step, dude. You need to introduce to this fella." He gestured rudely to Ohgi with a finger.

"Shin," Naoto said, a hint of warning in his voice, "this is my dearest friend Ohgi Kaname. Kaname, this loudmouth is Tamaki Shinichiro, my professional drinking friend."

Ohgi laughed. "How can you be a professional drinking friend?"

Tamaki whistled. "The same was you can be a professional dick, my friend. Practice, and lots of it." It sounded like a joke, but there's a set to his mouth that makes Ohgi bristle.

"Shin," Naoto said. "Watch it."

"Naoto-" Tamaki whined, or something very near to it.


OP anonymous March 6 2011, 02:22:44 UTC
Bloody fingers?
They, what, have injured terrorists in the house? Why did Ohgi react so calmly?


Re: OP anonymous March 6 2011, 02:48:32 UTC
Ha ha, Writer!Anon will get to that in a bit. :] Can't spoil anything yet, but basically Ohgi was flipping out an failed to notice.

(Didn't mean to leave that hanging, just a bit for me to pick up at a later point. XD)


Re: Naoto is a plotbunny, part three-B anonymous March 5 2011, 14:24:03 UTC
It made Ohgi mad, for some reason, that someone else was close enough to Naoto that he uses his first name. It made Ohgi mad, for some reason, that despite all of this, he's already forgotten why he came. Was he expecting Naoto to beg for his friendship back or something? It made Ohgi sick to his stomach at how stupid he had been. And forget his meager bottle of sake--if Naoto had this Shin over, no doubt that there was no need for Ohgi around.

"Um," Ohgi said. "I have class tomorrow, so I'll just leave you now..."

"Good," Tamaki said. "I don't really know why you came at all, asshole."

Naoto elbowed Tamaki in the ribs, hard, and pushed him into the apartment. "Shin," he said, his voice colder than Ohgi had ever heard it, "I'm going for a little bit now, and when I get back, we're going to have to talk about how not to be abrasive to other's friends. Got it?"

Tamaki sighed and spread out on the floor. "Aye yaye, Naoto."

Naoto laughed. "Yes, properly repent on my floor. But," he said in warning, "if you make a mess, you have to clean it up."

"What the hell?!" Tamaki sat up. "I'm not a dog, jeesh! If I make a mess, for sure it'll be in your room." Gleefully, he added, "On the carpet."

"Not the carpet!"

"Yes," Tamaki announced. "What will you do now, Naoto?"

Naoto hummed. "I supposed I could make you lick it out."

Tamaki gagged. "You know what? That mental image is enough of a deterrent. Go on and shoo so I can properly decide that I want to make a mess."

Naoto laughed again, and shut the front door. He turned to Ohgi. "Sorry about that, Shin is always abrasive the first couple times around. Soon enough you'll think of him like a puppy."

"I heard that!" Tamaki responds from inside the apartment.

Naoto shrugged. "Shall I walk you back to work? You said you were busy, right?"

"Yeah," Ohgi said, wrapping his hand around the sake bag. He won't give it to Naoto now, who'll share with Tamaki. "But that's all right. I'm not sure you want to leave your apartment in that guy's hands."

"Mom is there, too. And Shin would never do anything that makes Mom mad--he's enthralled with her bar-tending skills."

"Oh," Ohgi said.

"What did you need?" Naoto said, an unconscious reflection of Ohgi a week ago.

"Nothing," Ohgi responded. He wondered if Naoto would let him walk off the way he had let Naoto. He wondered what it would mean if Naoto did.

Naoto slipped an arm around Ohgi's shoulder. "Hey," he said, "I've decided I'm walking you home. Can't let a big guy like you get lost, huh?" He laughed, a bit softly.

"You don't have to," Ohgi said, half-wishing that he would.

"Well," Naoto said. "If you don't want me to walk next to you, I'll walk behind you. You don't have to watch me or anything. I just want to make sure you get there okay."

"Naoto," Ohgi said. It's ridiculous. He's walked the way from Naoto's apartment to his at least a hundred times.

"Or would you prefer me to look like a stalker?"

Ohgi laughed.

"Ah," Naoto said, patting his shoulder. "There you are, Kana-me. I thought something strange had happened to you." He pulled them onto a nearby bench. "So. Talk."

"It's nothing--"


Ohgi silenced, briefly, and thought about it. Why was he acting this way? "I missed you," he finally decided.

If this were any other moment, Naoto would have hugged him, and jokingly said something saccharine sweet. But instead Naoto ruffled the older male's hair, something like calm sweeping over his features. "Missed you too," Naoto responded.

They sit in silence, for a while, before Naoto does actually walk Ohgi home.

(At the door, he hugged Ohgi, once, and said, "Come visit me again, Kana-me." And then, a bit mischievously, "And next time we can drink that sake that you've been lugging around.")


OP is reading this and having a good time;) anonymous March 6 2011, 02:21:14 UTC
Ok, troll!Tamaki never changesXD

aww, they hugged, they hugged!


Naoto is a plotbunny, part four-A anonymous March 6 2011, 04:26:29 UTC
troll!Tamaki is fandom's way of saying that he cares. :] They should eventually reach a point where they get to accept one another.

Glad you're enjoying, OP! =D Here's the bit explaining Naoto's fingers. warning for foul language.


Ohgi got in bed that night, reflecting. He had been rude to--Tamaki, was it?--and he would have to apologize the next time they met. It would best if Naoto's friends all got along, although that was illogical; a flimsy hope at best. He pulled the covers over him, pressing his head to the five-dollar pillow, and closed his eyes, his mind wandering over the day's events.

His eyes open.


Shit, shit.

Naoto had had blood on his fingers, hadn't he?

And Ohgi had just picked the perfect time to play the insecure best friend.

He reached over and plucked his home phone from its socket, dialing Naoto's number by heart. It rang three times, and then voicemail picked up.

Hi, Naoto's voice greeted him warmly, you've reached the Kozukis. We can't take your call right now--

--But if you leave your name, number, and a short message, we will call you back ASAP!! BEEEP! Kallen's voice finished.

"Naoto," Ohgi said. He hated leaving messages, you would never be able to tell when the other person got them. "Naoto, I need to talk to you." He coughed. Shit, what if Naoto had been with some psycho terrorist trying to form a resistance group? He added, "This is Ohgi. Call me at my usual number, whenever you get this message." He put the phone down.

He stared at it until morning, but it didn't ring.

Instead, Naoto came to visit him after school the next day, stooping in front of the classroom door. Ohgi didn't notice until a gaggle of girls grouped in front of the door and someone yelled for them to move it. He walked briskly to the door, intending to take care of the problem, and instead found a crouching Naoto on the floor, looking up at him with an innocent smile.

"Hi," Naoto chirruped. He stood, brushing off his pants, and said, "Sorry, ladies, I have to excuse myself now." He waved them off, and surprisingly, Ohgi noted, they actually left.

"What are you doing here?" Ohgi asked.

"You're the one who left the scary message on the machine, you know." Naoto said.

Ohgi nodded. "All right, give me a moment." He returned to his classroom, gathering his things, and placed the keys to the room on the front desk. "Mayama," he said, "I need to leave early. Please lock up when you're done cleaning the room."

She gave him an affirmation and he slung his coat over his shoulder, making his way back to Naoto. The other male nodded at Mayama, grinning when her cheeks flushed red, and paraded him into the hallway. As they continued through the halls, Naoto took the things from Ohgi's hands and said, "Aren't you cold?"

And it was cold, a little under zero Celsius, but Naoto was more important than a chill. "Naoto," Ohgi said.


Naoto is a plotbunny, part four-B anonymous March 6 2011, 04:27:13 UTC
"Put on your coat, or I won't listen to you, Kana-me." Naoto said.

Ohgi put on his coat. "Naoto," he said, once he had retrieved his things from Naoto's arms and they had exited the school grounds. He glanced around the street, making sure that no one was listening. "Are you housing a terrorist?"

Naoto stopped.


"Naoto--" Ohgi started.

Naoto started laughing, curling up on himself slightly and leaning on the wall for support. "You-" he snickered, "What?"

"Oh God," Ohgi said. "You're not housing a terrorist."

"No," Naoto said. He shook, a giggle slipping out of his mouth. "You--I thought that you had gotten yourself attacked or something. You know after I got your message I started combing the streets? I was scared that you had gone and went to a yakuza shooting or something. And then, this? That's hilarious!"

"But the blood!" Ohgi protested.


"On your fingers, when I came to your house yesterday!" Ohgi rambled. "I didn't notice at the time because of the new person, but you had blood on your fingers and then I made you walk in the cold and are you okay?" He needed to stop. He was making himself look like an idiot. Oh, he would definitely regret this tonight.

"Oh, that!" Naoto said. "I'm learning how to do stitches. Kallen brought home a live chicken, so..."

"That's sick." Ohgi said.

"But it's still alive!" Naoto said. "Kallen wouldn't leave me alone with it until I promised I would do my best to keep it, well, alive."

"Oh." Ohgi said.

"So." Naoto urged. "It really makes you that nervous?"

"What?" Ohgi asked.

"For me to become part of a resistance group?"

"Oh." Ohgi said.

"I see," Naoto said. "Well, drat. That puts an end to my devious plan to take you to Kyoto." He sighed theatrically. "Well, it was either your morals or the make-up work you'd have to do. Don't worry about it."

They stopped in front of Ohgi's apartment. "Do you want to come in?" He offered. "We could drink that sake..."

"Sorry," Naoto apologized, "but I've got to pick up Kallen."

"Oh," Ohgi said, "well I'll talk to you later then." He unlocked the door with his left hand, pushing it open with his foot.

"See you then!" Naoto said. He began to walk the path they had come from, and Ohgi wondered when his friend's back began to look so lonely.

"What," he said, almost stuttering, "is in Kyoto?"

Naoto turned to him and smiled. "The Japanese Liberation Front."

Ohgi shut the door, and watched Naoto stare at his apartment for a moment. Then he shut the blinds.

He has papers to grade.


OP: they're getting there, yay anonymous March 6 2011, 21:42:59 UTC
Ohgi is doomed, but he doesn't know it yet))


Re: OP: they're getting there, yay anonymous March 8 2011, 13:54:34 UTC
Dropping a line to let you know writer!Anon won't be able to update until the weekend. See you then! :)


Naoto is a plotbunny, part five-A anonymous March 27 2011, 04:04:20 UTC
Sorry for the wait, OP, Writer!Anon was in the hospital for a bit. Not much actual Ohgi here, Writer!Anon needed sibling fluff.


The doorbell rang noisily and Ohgi grimaced at the clock.

5:26 AM It reported to him cheerily. He turned over in his bed, resolving to ignore the--whatever it was that had awoken him.

A moment later, the door rang again. Ohgi sighed. It didn't seem like whoever it was was going to go away. He pulled the pair of pants from the end of his bed and slipped them over his boxers, pulling his loose t-shirt to cover the hem. Then he wiped the sleep out of his eyes and trudged to the door. He looked through the peephole, but saw no one. Ohgi shook his head, and looked again. It was strange--there was only a bit of green in the eyehole, almost as if--

Ohgi sighed and opened the door.

"Good morning Kana-me!" Naoto greeted him in a stage whisper. "How are you this fine morning?"

Ohgi blinked. "Wha--"

"Oh, how rude of me," Naoto said. "Kallen's here too--" He nudged the girl behind him, and she peered at him with bright green eyes. Ohgi had never really talked to the young girl before, so he nodded in greeting. There was an uneasy pause and Naoto said, "Well, I suppose you should let us into your home now."

Ohgi complied. What would the neighbors think if the two siblings--both attractive and with Britannian coloring, no less--were standing in the hall? He stepped back before remembering the mess of papers that he had spread out everywhere, and then he grimaced.

"It's a good thing you didn't come out in your boxers," Naoto said after Ohgi had shut the door. "Or I would have had to kill you for tainting Kallen's eyes."

Kallen laughed, waving the concern off, "I've seen better."

Naoto dropped the bag he had been pulling off of his back. It made a clacking sound against the wooden floor and Ohgi hoped nothing had broken. "Boys, Kallen?"

"Yes," Kallen said, rolling her eyes. "Keep up, Naoto." She stressed his name the same way Naoto stressed Ohgi's, and for a moment Ohgi thought that he was imagining this all. It was all just a very convoluted dream, was all.

"But Kallen--" Naoto whined, slightly, "you're not supposed to like boys yet." He pushed back his bangs. "Do I need to kill someone?"

Kallen shrugged. "Only if you're killing the all the males in my class."

Something tightened in Naoto's jaw, and Ohgi pressed his fingers to it without thinking.

There was a pause.

Ohgi blinked, and when he looked the two siblings had turned their gazes onto him, bright green inquiring. Naoto's jaw had loosened in his surprise, Ohgi noted happily, and so in response he said, "I forgot to welcome you to my house. Is there anything you guys are here for, or...?"

Huh. Interesting, Ohgi thought, as Naoto looked triumphant and Kallen turned slightly red.

"I need to borrow your female friends," Naoto said.

Ohgi looked at him, waiting for more explanation.

"Almost immediately, since I think that Kallen's going to bleed through the cotton any minute now."

"What?" Ohgi turned to Kallen. "You're injured? What happened? Is your mother okay? Naoto, do we need the hospital? Let me go get the pho--"

"My period, stupid." Kallen interjected. "And you're no better, brother, letting him just wander through panic like that."

Naoto shrugged. "Kana-me's cute when he's panicked."

Ohgi sighed, mentally running through the women he knew. Mayama would be too pushy, Keira too questioning, Ami too flirty. Ah, but there was Inoue from the Literature department... "Let me call Inoue." He left the room to grab the phone he had beside his bed.

Naoto and Kallen watched him go.


Naoto is a plotbunny, part five-A anonymous March 27 2011, 04:04:58 UTC

"You like him, huh?" Kallen said.

Naoto glanced at her. "Are you going to tell Mom?"

"She doesn't know yet?" Kallen asked doubtfully. "You're pretty obvious." She flicked the ends of her hair at him. "I have female friends, you know. Who already have started their period. And we could have just woken up Mom."

"Don't ruin my excuse, Kallen," Naoto scolded good-naturedly. "I'm trying to spend time with Kaname."

"Using my period?"

"Well," Naoto shrugged, "I admit that I want to know what women Kaname's playing with." He sighed, pushing his hair back again.

"For what?" Kallen said. "You aren't going to kill them, you're not going to flirt with them... What purpose do you have in meeting them?"

Naoto laughed. "I'm going to recruit them, of course."

"For your resistance group?"

"Yeah," Naoto said. "I'm going to round up some people and then take them with me to Kyoto. We'll meet the Japan Liberation Front and might even be able to set up a base right here in Shinjuku."

"Why don't you just tell Ohgi that, then? You're friends, right?" Kallen asked.

"Because," Naoto said, "he doesn't agree. Yet."

"And since he doesn't agree you won't touch him?" At her brother's silence, Kallen sighed. "You realize he probably doesn't even know you're attracted to him?"

Naoto shrugged. "That's not the main issue here."

"Yeah, it is." Kallen said. "I want to be able to say I have a gay brother."

Laughing, Naoto pulled her into him. "You're silly."

"No," Kallen said. "I'm bleeding. Remember?"

"Still silly," Naoto said. They locked fingers, and Kallen sighed. "What?"

Kallen looked at him, searching his eyes carefully. "Promise," she said, "that if he does something stupid you won't be hurt by it. He doesn't know."

Naoto kissed the top of her head. "Can't."


Naoto is a plotbunny, part six anonymous May 15 2012, 19:39:10 UTC
After a year, writer!Anon is back. This ends really abruptly, but I wanted to finish it up. Descends into pron.

Hope OP will eventually find this?


When Inoue arrived fifteen minutes after his call, Ohgi should have expected that she would be caught be Naoto's charm the same way he had been. He hadn't thought on it though, and for a moment he wished that he had.

"It's okay to call you Naomi, right?" Naoto said cheerfully, slouching against the wall next to the bathroom.

Inoue did something strange with her cheeks, and Ohgi would have called it a blush if Sugiyama hadn't told him that Inoue couldn't blush. Ohgi stared at her cheeks a bit more, squinting, because it irritated him--

Probably because he had spent the last three years hearing about how Sugiyama couldn't get her to even look at him.

Kaname sighed, glancing at Naoto, and he startled a bit when he met Naoto's eyes.

"It's fine, of course." Inoue said, her voice a ripple in the air. "If I can call you Naoto."

Naoto broke eye contact to look at her, a smile twisting its way easily across his lips. "Of course it is, my dear." He said brightly. "We are Nao-friends henceforth." He slung an arm over her shoulder easily. "But you can't have Kana-me, okay? He's mine." His eyes swung up to meet Ohgi's and they glimmered mischievously.

Ohgi couldn't help the rush of pleasure that crept up his spine, despite the fact that he was rolling his eyes. "Don't start telling rumors, Naoto."

Naoto hummed, and looked to tell him otherwise when the bathroom door opened.

The change in Naoto when Kallen was involved was something that Ohgi had always found himself a little jealous of. There was something about the relationship- and Ohgi had never been able to put a finger on what it was that made him yearn for it. It wasn't that he wanted a younger sister; he knew enough to say that he would be more than whipped. It was more that he wanted…an older brother?

Kallen exited the bathroom, a small bag at her side. Naoto embraced her quickly, long arms wrapping around her form as he mumbled something to her. Kallen made a face that quickly dissolved into a knowing look. She whispered something back, and Naoto--

Naoto jerked back from her, eyes wide and a flush creeping up his face.

Ohgi clenched his fist.

Glancing quickly at Ohgi, Naoto said, "Naomi, would you mind bringing Kallen home today? I want her to know everything that she needs to know about her girl things."

Inoue looked at him knowingly, and Naoto resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at her. Kallen rolled her eyes and swung the bag over her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah," she said, a triumphant note in her voice. "Just don't do anything stupid."

Inoue laughed, and placed an arm around Kallen's shoulder. "Let's leave the boys alone then, hm?"

Naoto pat the older woman's shoulder, then embraced Kallen quickly. "You still have school tomorrow, right? Don't be late."

Kallen waved him off and moved through the door. "Thanks for letting us come in, Ohgi."

Ohgi smiled at her, finding it oddly difficult. "Any time, Kallen." As Inoue passed him, he said, "Thank you for your help today, Inoue." His smile grew tighter.

Inoue looked at him, and pulled him closer. "You shouldn't be jealous, Ohgi." She laughed brightly. "That man is crazy about you, and I'm spoken for." She tossed her hair playfully, and ushered Kallen out the door. Ohgi closed and locked the door behind them out of habit.


Naoto is a plotbunny, part seven anonymous May 15 2012, 19:41:37 UTC

Then Naoto slipped his arms around Ohgi's waist, hugging him like he was going to disappear.

Ohgi let himself relax. "What's up, Naoto? You know we both have to wake up early tomorrow."

"I'm leaving for Kyoto next week," Naoto said, softly. "I wanted you to know." He squeezed Ohgi's waist, and it felt like a goodbye, Ohgi realized with a falling feeling. As his arms began to slip away, Ohgi grasped Naoto's hands and intwined their fingers.

He pulled Naoto against his back. "Don't go." He said, equally softly. Naoto wouldn't come back, Ohgi was sure. Naoto wouldn't return once he went to that place where his wildest dreams were brought to life. "Don't go." And then, unbidden, "Don't leave me."

Naoto made a sound like a whine, and Ohgi said nothing. Then Naoto untangled their hands, and Ohgi mourned the loss before his friend's hands grasped his hips and turned him around. Ohgi looked down into Naoto's eyes, the color of the sky after a storm.

"Say it again. " Naoto said. "Ohgi, say it again."

Ohgi instead leaned down and pressed his lips against the other male's. Softly, softly, he pressed his lips to Naoto's again and again in substitute to his words. Naoto began to respond, lips moving together until Ohgi never wanted to let them part. His hands moved around Naoto's waist and pulled him closer as Naoto's fingers slipped against his cheeks.

When they broke apart, Ohgi stared at Naoto's lips, red and wet. "Naoto," he said, echoing with his heart breaking. "Naoto, don't ever call me Ohgi."

Naoto huffed a sigh. "Stupid." He laughed. "Why are you so stupid?" He looked away from Ohgi. "I didn't want this."

Emptiness. A feeling like the void drips from Ohgi's chest.

Naoto embraces Ohgi. "I don't want you to touch me," he pressed a kiss to Ohgi's lips. "I don't want it because you want me to stay." He moved one hand to cup Ohgi's genitals through his pants, massaging Ohgi through the thick cloth. "I want this because you can't stand being apart from me."

Ohgi's chest filled with something like desire, and he moved his hips against the motion of Naoto's hand. "Naoto," he murmured. "Naoto." He could feel himself hardening under Naoto's fingers. He moved his hands to clutch Naoto's ass, pulling the smaller male up against him.

Naoto pulled away to look at him. "Sit on your couch, Ohgi."

Ohgi sat, but Naoto didn't sit next to him as he had hoped. Instead, his companion sat across from him. He noted the strain in Naoto's pants, and he wiped his hand on his pants, trying to ignore his own hardness. Naoto looked at Ohgi carefully, scrutinizing him from head to toe. Ohgi shivered at the sight of Naoto staring at him so intently, and he spread his legs to emphasize his arousal.

Naoto met his eyes. "We can't go back after this." He said, almost a reminder to himself than to Ohgi.

"I know," Ohgi said.

"You won't be able to leave me after this."

"I know."

"And you'll have to promise to take care of Kallen."

"I would have anyway," Ohgi said affectionately. Trust Naoto to still be worried about that after all this time.


Naoto is a plotbunny, part eight anonymous May 15 2012, 19:43:29 UTC
Naoto hummed, a bit more cheerfully. "Well, welcome to the rebellion then, Kana-me."

"Of-" Ohgi blinked. "What?"

"Since you have your own apartment, we'll have to gather here to start until we can get out own place, but that shouldn't be a problem." Naoto stood and sank into Ohgi's lap, atop his erection.

Ohgi rolled his hips into Naoto's weight. "Wait," he panted softly, "Naoto--"

Naoto ground down on him, friction making Ohgi's eyes roll back. "I won't be able to pay you, of course, but--oh--I can pay you in other ways, yeah?" His hips stuttered against Ohgi's.

"Naoto." Ohgi grasped the other male's hips with unsteady fingers. "Naoto, are you seducing me?" He blinked up at Naoto's face.

Naoto whined. "Why not?" He spread his legs further, sliding down into Ohgi's lap.

Ohgi spluttered. "You're my best friend, Naoto." His hips jerked up into Naoto's crotch. "W-why couldn't you just have asked if you--wanted me to join?"

"You--uh--" Naoto shut his eyes tightly and wrapped his fingers into Ohgi's shirt. "You would never have said yes."

"So you're offering to sleep with me instead?"

"Well," Naoto said, breath against Ohgi's temple. "what a dirty mind you have, Kana-me. I haven't offered you anything like that," his body jerked, "yet."

Ohgi laughed under his breath, "You're on my lap, on top of my cock, and telling me you aren't offering sex?"

Naoto kissed him. "I'm attracted to you, yeah. And it would definitely be a perk to--hm--have that big cock of yours in me, but--that's not quite what I'm offering here."

Ohgi pulled Naoto in for a deeper kiss. "Then what, Naoto? What are you offering to me?" His left hand was behind Naoto's neck, holding him close; his right hand held the left globe of Naoto's ass.

Naoto blinked, looking at him. "The future, Ohgi." Naoto kissed his cheek. "The future of Japan. I want to get it back from Britannia, and I want you to be my partner in doing so."

Ohgi sat back, ignoring the strain in his pants. This was something much more serious than a quick fuck then. "You've always been serious, huh?"

Naoto leaned into him. "Always, Kana-me."

"And us?" Ohgi said. "What of this?" Was Naoto going to throw himself at every member of his resistance? Use that easy smile of his and his body to guarantee loyalty?

"Hm," Naoto said. "What about us?"

"Are you going to whore yourself out to your resistance cell?" Ohgi demanded, his voice rougher than he had intended.

Naoto looked at him, and caught his mouth with a gentle kiss. "I'm on your lap because I'm attracted to you, Kana-me. I'm here because if you pull out your cock right now, I'll suck it. I'm here right now because I want you to use me." He laughed, a bright sound. "If you want to call me a whore, than I suppose you could." He lowered his hips onto Ohgi's. "But only for you."

Ohgi growled, a possessive sound that surprised him. "Fine." He held Naoto's hips still. "Fine, you win."

Naoto looked at him softly, his face and eyes like a child who had just won. "Kana-me." He kissed his forehead. "Kana-me." His cheek. "Kana-me." His lips. He pressed their foreheads together. "Promise?"


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