Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Not As Easy As It Seems 4/5 - Always WARNINGS: Rape, violence, Luciano anonymous February 6 2011, 05:57:49 UTC
Strangely enough, that seemed to soothe Luciano a bit. He left the dagger alone, inside Gino, and started removing his own clothes. Only his cape and jacket, though, everything else stayed on. Gino’s eyes trailed down to the front of Luciano’s pants and noticed the slight tenting. Had he been hard that whole time?

“What now?” He asked, adding when Luciano raised an eyebrow at him. “What now, Vampire?”

Luciano chuckled. “Well, Gino, we seem to have two options. The first is that I can choose where to scar you next.” Blood was dripping down from Gino’s fingers now, and didn’t seem to show any sign of slowing. Gino ignored it. “The second is that we can set things up so I can fuck you.” Gino was still clenching around the hilt defensively. “What would you suggest?”

Finally. A potential out. “I could suck you.”

Luciano seemed to consider that. “Ironic, given that I’m… never mind. Go ahead.”

While Gino could see the humour, it wasn’t really funny. Still, as he knelt in front of his fellow Knight, unzipping his pants and freeing his erection, he did manage to smile in relief. It was just a normal cock; normal size, width, texture… nothing terrifying here.

He’d forgotten the man on the other end.

Luciano grabbed his chin and held his lips open as he thrust into Gino’s mouth. “If you bite, we’ll see how many scars that girl has.” He promised, forcing himself deeper with every thrust. Gino gagged and choked, but was careful not to bite, even as he desperately tried to regain some control. If he could somehow coordinate himself, suck Luciano off properly…

“Ahh…” Luciano moaned as he breached the back of Gino’s throat. “Right there…”

Gino, red-faced and sputtering, did his best to swallow around Luciano’s cock. He’d have deep-throated the man on his own if he’d been given the chance, but having it forced on him…

It wasn’t about the sex. It was about the struggle.

For the first time, Gino realized what that really meant. It meant that there was nothing he could do, nothing he could offer that would make this better. It meant that all his skill was useless, because Luciano didn’t want a partner; he wanted a victim. And Gino, with his bleeding arm and dagger sticking out of his ass, and sore throat from Luciano’s carelessness… Gino was that victim. It had already happened, even as he’d been struggling to figure out a way out of it.

Well. There was really only one way to fight that.

Luciano grabbed Gino’s hair and pulled him off. “Up against the window. Spread your legs, Gino.”

Part of Gino regretted asking him to use his name. “Of course.” He assumed the position demanded of him, reaching behind himself to remove the dagger. It was streaked with blood, but that was hardly a surprise at this point. “Main event time?”

Luciano chuckled and took the dagger back. “Bend forward, now.”

Gino did, keeping his eyes open and fixed on Kallen. She really was cute.


Not As Easy As It Seems 5/5 - Last one with WARNINGS: Rape, violence, Luciano anonymous February 6 2011, 05:59:38 UTC
Like everything else that had happened, Luciano’s first thrust was hard and fast, burying himself in one sharp movement. Gino gasped at the pain, then again as Luciano thrust again, not even waiting for him to adjust. His rhythm was steadily accelerating even as his breaths sped up.

“God… so tight… tighter than a virgin.”

Ugh. How did someone like Luciano know how tight a virgin was? Gino felt sorry for the poor girl.

For his part, the burning pain was merging with the usual strange feeling of building pressure. Gino wrapped one hand around his cock and allowed himself to feel the pleasure from Luciano’s actions, despite the man’s intentions.

Slick with a mixture of sweat and Gino’s blood from the dagger hilt, Luciano’s hands slipped on Gino’s hips, driving his next few thrusts crazily awry. Gino clenched and cried out as that drove sharp jets of pure agony up his back. Luciano chuckled breathlessly, then redoubled his efforts, getting close.

Gino’s hand moved with a new desperation, needing to come before Luciano. Despite the pain, he was seventeen and hadn’t had sex for a few days, and he was close too…

“Ah… hah…”

Luciano bit at his shoulder and Gino shuddered and came. “Suzaku!”

One last thrust and Gino could feel Luciano coming inside him. He looked, and Kallen was, coincidentally, looking in their general direction. He smiled at her scowling face.


Oh, right. Gino let out a breezy laugh. “Sorry. Got caught in the moment. You know how it is.” Let the bastard made his own assumptions.

Luciano did not look amused. He shifted the grip on his dagger, advancing on Gino. “One last thing…”

“I don’t think so.” Gino said thoughtfully, actually tapping his lower lip with his finger. “You marked and bled me twice and fucked me. I’m pretty sure that covers your pound of flesh and pint of blood. Vampire.” Gino grinned. “It was pretty mean of you to pick my ass, although given your… technique, I doubt choosing somewhere else would have made much difference.”

Luciano looked furious.

“Your dick’s hanging out.” Gino mentioned cheerfully, gathering up his own clothes, but not bothering to put them on. He held his breath until Luciano finally tucked himself away, grabbing his jacket and cloak and storming out of the room.

“You can’t touch her!” Gino called after him. “It might be fine for you to rape a Number, but breaking your word to a fellow Knight is way more serious.” Luciano didn’t answer.

Well. That was that, then. Gino started to dress, ignoring the deep aches in his ass and arm, and the hollowness spreading inside him.

“What happened to your arm?”

It wasn’t like Suzaku to be this considerate. Gino must have been favouring it pretty obviously.

Two days ago, he would have brightly hugged Suzaku and thanked him for caring.

But that was two days ago.

“Nothing.” Gino said.

And that was that.


Re: Not As Easy As It Seems 5/5 - Last one with WARNINGS: Rape, violence, Luciano anonymous February 6 2011, 12:43:34 UTC
Sick OP is delighted, W!Anon!

Well, at least Gino managed to get back a little at Luciano with that "...Suzaku". Poor vamp hadn't expected that, had he?


Re: Not As Easy As It Seems 5/5 - Last one with WARNINGS: Rape, violence, Luciano anonymous February 7 2011, 02:46:32 UTC
I figured Gino should get at least one hit in. But it really is Luciano's victory in the end, given Gino's lingering trauma.

I do wonder how much that would colour Luciano's already present distaste for Suzaku, though...

Glad you liked it!


Re: Not As Easy As It Seems 5/5 - Last one with WARNINGS: Rape, violence, Luciano anonymous March 7 2011, 19:56:52 UTC
Poor Gino!

This was really good. Thank you anon!


Re: Not As Easy As It Seems 5/5 - Last one with WARNINGS: Rape, violence, Luciano anonymous March 8 2011, 00:09:30 UTC
Poor Gino indeed. :(



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