Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Part 2/? anonymous February 27 2011, 10:33:48 UTC

She kissed him long and slow, letting him slip a tongue into her mouth, encouraging him. He actually seemed to know what he was doing, and she wasn’t sure if she was pleased or disappointed about that. She had always liked Lelouch best when he was least sure of himself.

Perhaps that was mean of her. But it always made her feel so inadequate when he knew so much more about something than she did - and for that reason, she pulled away, kissing down his jaw and neck, fumbling one handed at the zipper to his suit.

He made a soft little sound that sent a shiver through her belly, and then stroked her hair with one hand.

“… what exactly are we doing?” he asked her, still touching her hair. It made her feel warm and drowsy, a little like she was drunk.

“Well,” she said, content to lean against his chest and let him pet her,

“I kind of, um…” She closed her eyes. Maybe this would be less embarrassing that way. “I wanted to - try this. With you.”

“This,” he repeated. “Kissing?”

“And… maybe more,” she admitted, blushing. His adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. Then his hands were on her face, lifting it so he could see her clearly.

“Should we really be doing this?” he asked her softly. “I mean… we are…”

“We’re not enemies!” she insisted. “You’ve agreed to join the SAZ and you’ve been a great help. We’ve done great things together.”

“… that’s not what I meant…”

But she was already going in for another kiss, and he seemed to give up on whatever objection he’d thought of making.

She was beginning to get the hang of it. Lelouch wasn’t really all that much more experienced than her, she realized - he seemed to be learning at about the same pace as her, and it was a pleasant lesson to take. Somehow she pushed him up against the door, their bodies pressed closer together, her breasts against his chest, one of his legs between hers, and oh, that felt rather nice -

“Lady Euphemia! It’s me, Suzaku. Are you alright?”

Lelouch went rigid with shock and almost pushed her away from him, already searching for his mask. Euphy, surprised and somewhat disappointed to leave that warm, hazy moment, raised her voice. “I’m fine, Suzaku. I’ll open the door right away.”

Lelouch made a violent jerking motion with his head - he couldn’t locate his helmet. Of course he couldn’t, Euphy had discreetly kicked it under the table and out of view when he wasn’t looking. She gave him a comforting smile.

“It’s alright,” she repeated, this time for his benefit. She held out the cravat she’d unwound from his neck. “You’ll just need to help me with this, okay?”

Lelouch stared at her.

“I’d be happy to help you,” said Suzaku from outside the door, oblivious.

Lelouch smiled.


That's all for now, but hopefully I'll get some more up soon!


OP has just noticed! anonymous February 27 2011, 22:50:23 UTC
W!a, OP is sending you much love, roses and sweets<333


OP again anonymous February 27 2011, 22:57:14 UTC
OP especially adored oblivious Suzaku behind the door, Euphie's inner "monologue" about how she liked Lulu best when he was least sure of himself(awww) and cute Euphie in general.

Can't wait for more;)


Question! anonymous February 28 2011, 07:56:49 UTC
Well - firstly, thank you for the comments! :D

I wanted to ask you - you mentioned toppy!Zero and frustrated!voyeur!Euphy in the request. By toppy!Zero do you mean he has to penetrate, or just that he's more dominant toward Suzaku? And how flexible are you on frustrated!voyeur!Euphy remaining frustrated and voyeuristic for the whole thing?

S-sorry for having so many questions


Re: Question! anonymous February 28 2011, 15:48:12 UTC
no, by topppy! I meant that he is more dominant towards Suzaku(little power struggle) and maybe topping-from-the-bottom(?) and that he isn't a totally passive party.

and speaking of Euphie, no, again, I left it like a cliffhanger in my request:
she has her moment of watching in surprise/frustration, but how it goes from there on is up to you;)

No problem, I was rather vague.


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