Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Re: The Talk [3] anonymous April 15 2011, 20:31:17 UTC
Desperation seemed to give Lelouch enhanced strength, because at these words he managed to jerk upward fast enough to take Suzaku by surprise and lock their mouths together. He then proceeded to kiss his best friend senseless in a manner usually reserved for the bedroom or supply closets. Once he was sure Suzaku was suitably distracted, Lelouch pulled back and ignoring the tantalizing trail of saliva connecting them, pushed the dazed Eleven off of him.

He walked…stiffly back to his sister’s side and took her hand in his. “Suzaku’s such a joker,” Lelouch said, forcing cheer into his voice. “What he meant to say was that babies are ordered online and created in laboratories.”

Nunnally pursed her lips in thought. “But what about love?” she asked.

“Love is important,” Lelouch agreed instantly.

“Do you love me?” she asked.

Lelouch’s heart melted. “Of course,” he said, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it.

“What about Suzaku? Do you love him?” she asked innocently.

The teen flushed in embarrassment. “Uh, of course,” he said.

“Do you want to make babies with him?” Nunnally asked earnestly.

Lelouch’s face was burning with mortification. ‘She doesn’t know what she’s saying,’ he thought desperately, ‘she doesn’t know what she’s saying!’


“You know, that’s a good question.” Lelouch tensed as he felt an apparently recovered Suzaku’s arms wrap around his middle. “Do you want to make a ba-by with me Lulu, dear?” Suzaku teased into his ear.

Lelouch flailed.

“Two men cannot produce a child together!” he said much more loudly than strictly necessary.

Nunnally giggled. “But Lelouch, if all you need to do is fill out an online form, shouldn’t you two be able to make me adorable nieces and nephews to love and spoil?”

“Okay, so, uh, maybe it doesn’t quite work like that,” Lelouch said, knowing he was in trouble.

“Lelouch,” she said with a frown, her voice heavy with disappointment. “You promised not to lie to me.”

Said Britannian teen felt like the worst scum of the earth. He was a horrible brother. “Nunnally…”

Suzaku’s arms tightened around Lelouch’s waste. “That’s not fair Nunnally,” the Eleven said. “He didn’t mean any harm; he’s just shy about these sorts of things.”

“What sorts of things?” the girl asked almost eagerly.

“Well…” Suzaku began thoughtfully.

Lelouch panicked. Think fast, he twisted his arm around and pinched his friend’s face. “Stop corrupting my sister, you idiot,” he snapped.

“But she clearly wants it, Lelouch.”

“Suzaku…” the dark haired teen said, voice dropping an octave in irritation.

“Err…I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.” The Eleven was backpedaling in earnest now. “Uh, you’re the only Lamperouge for me?”

“You guys…” Nunnally sighed sadly. “I guess I shouldn’t have asked, since it’s making you fight…”

“No!” both boys protested in unison.

Nunnally jumped a little at how loud their reply was.


The Talk [4] - The End! anonymous April 15 2011, 20:32:34 UTC
“It’s alright, Nunnally,” Lelouch assured. “You can ask me anything, really. I’m sorry for not handling this better. It’s my fault, don’t blame Suzaku.”

“No, it’s my fault,” Suzaku argued. “I should have been more sensitive to how difficult this discussion would be for Lelouch. Please don’t be angry at him, Nunna. I couldn’t bear to come between you two.”

Nunnally sighed again, but this time it was a sigh of exasperation. “Lelouch. Suzaku. Just answer the question.”

“Right,” Lelouch said, steeling himself for this apparently unavoidable conversation. “So, when a man and a woman are deeply in love and have been together for several years and the man in question has been thoroughly vetted by concerned older siblings, the man and the woman combine their genetic material through a process called intercourse. The man provides a sperm and the woman provides an egg and these combine to form a zygote which grows inside the woman for about nine months and at the end of that period, a baby is produced,” he spit out the words as fast as humanly possible.

Suzaku snorted at the explanation and buried his face in Lelouch’s neck.

Nunnally tilted her head to the side, considering his words thoughtfully. “You know, big brother,” she said with a small smile, “I do believe that is the most…original description of sex I’ve heard.”

Lelouch choked and Suzaku laughed and Nunnally smiled innocently.

“So, Suzaku,” she said, still smiling, “I hope you’ll make an honest man out of my brother. Or perhaps he’ll make an honest man out of you? In any case, I expect a wedding and lots of nieces and nephews or I’ll let Milly in on what you two do during your sleepovers.”

Lelouch paled, Suzaku choked and Nunnally’s smile began to look a lot more like a wicked smirk.


Re: The Talk [4] - The End! w!anon notes anonymous April 15 2011, 20:35:28 UTC
I went for option one, might come back and write the second option later.

Hopefully this pleases the OP and isn't too horribly OOC.

This is a silly fill I pulled together in about an hour and a half, but concrit is appreciated.


Re: The Talk [4] - The End! w!anon notes anonymous April 15 2011, 21:00:50 UTC
Not OP, but I don't see anything here to criticise.

I loved what you did with this.

Oh Lelouch, so awkward XD

Oh, evil, evil Nunnally <333


Re: The Talk [4] - The End! w!anon notes anonymous April 15 2011, 21:02:58 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.

I couldn't resist evil, evil Nunnally. She's not nearly as innocent as she seems. And she totally has Lelouch so whipped. XD


Re: The Talk [4] - The End! w!anon notes anonymous April 15 2011, 21:06:28 UTC
She's a looot of fun.

And now I insist on a follow-up where she's brainwashing/making Lelouch do her bidding even more.

LOL, joking.


Re: The Talk [4] - The End! w!anon notes anonymous April 15 2011, 21:17:20 UTC
Lol. Now I'm imagining a story filled with her getting him to agree to all sorts of things that interfere with his black knight's schedule. Cue him running back and forth between the two as he attempts to make up for neglecting her and leaving his poor, blind, crippled sister to the nefarious clutches of her male classmates.


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