Thread the First

Jan 31, 2011 16:04

Also because The Another Code  Geass Kink Meme part I is filling, and anons everywhere are worried. So this is why I bring you, 
First Thread.

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Limbo [1/2] anonymous February 8 2011, 23:28:24 UTC
[a/n: Short fill. Sex is a bit understated as well, but I hope you like it!]


Lelouch finds him laughing on the rooftop.

He came up here for solitude, but this is what is given to him instead: Suzaku, sitting on the concrete with his back against the wall. The setting sun spills over the railing and colors his hair something darker than it is, and Lelouch is about to turn on his heel and leave when he hears laughter again.

"It's easy! You just tie a string to a frog's back-leg."

He stills, one hand frozen on the doorknob. When he retraces his steps (and walks a bit further, as far as he dares) he takes a careful look around to see that Suzaku is indeed talking to himself.

It takes a couple more steps to see the box, the applicator and the empty vial. It explains the uniform tunic, a rumple of black and gold on the floor, one of the sleeves of Suzaku's dress shirt rolled up past the elbow. Lelouch counts the track marks there, and despite all that happened, wishes he didn't understand.

"Uh-huh. But in Japanese, they go: kero-kero! Kero-kero!"

He sets his jaw. "Suzaku."

The brunet looks up at him then, and Lelouch finally catches a glimpse of his eyes: vacant, and somewhat glassy, they settle on his form for far too long before softening, some twisted parody of recognition. "Lelouch." The name spills from his lips like water, easy. It sounds nothing like the guarded, quiet murmur over a crackling telephone the night Euphemia died. Or the piercing shout echoing off rocky walls, followed by a gunshot. Or - "You're here. I was just talking to..." He trails off, furrowing his brows when he finds himself gesturing towards a wall. "Um."

"Suzaku, what are you doing up here?"

There is always the possibility, his mind insists, that this is a trap. That the vial was empty to begin with, that Suzaku is completely alert and simply baiting him, waiting for him to slip up, not blinking large green eyes rapidly in a show of confusion. "You asked me to meet you here." He smiles, brings his hand up to his collar and pulls it down. "This, right? 'Meet me on the roof.' Wow, I can't believe it's been seven years since we last used that signal."

No. This is not fair. Lelouch remembers that day all too well, with all the relief and confusion and nostalgia it brought, and this can't continue because all those things just don't matter anymore. "Come on," he says brusquely, offering a hand. He avoids the other boy's eyes. He doesn't want to think too much about why Suzaku is using Refrain in the first place; he doesn't want this kind of thing justified, no matter how poorly. "Let's go."

"Ah, Lelouch..." Suzaku looks hesitant on his feet, and when he glances up there is a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Maybe...maybe we shouldn't be seen together."

Lelouch frowns. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"What would they think if they saw you were friends with an Eleven?" Suzaku says earnestly. "They might find out you're a prince. We have to protect your secret."

Is this how Refrain works? Lelouch steps back, trying not to feel sick. This is nothing, he tells himself. When the drug wears off all that is left will be... "That's silly. People at this school don't think like that anymore." Not for you, at least. "Now, come on, let's head back. Before Gino and - "

The rest of that is swallowed by Suzaku's lips. (And: hands pressed against his chest, wisps of brown curls tickling his face, the scent of metal and pine.)

"That," Suzaku pulls back and grins cheerfully, and suddenly looks so very boyish (not Britannia's white grim reaper, not - ) "Is revenge for two days ago!"

"Two..." Lelouch clears his throat, tries to rein in his scrambled thoughts. "Two days ago?"

"On the bench behind the gym, remember?"

(Lelouch remembers. It was two days and perhaps two hundred more, when the breeze had picked up speed and seeds from the sprawling conifer danced to the blanket of leaves on the ground - spinning, as though they had wings. Suzaku was going on about things like parabolas and how he didn't understand them, and Lelouch had caught his lips mid-sentence.)

"We're...we're not pretending that didn't happen, right?"


Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 8 2011, 23:29:43 UTC
What a question. There are so many things he can say to that, so many parts he can correct. But Suzaku has already closed the gap between them, and is already sliding his hands up and down Lelouch's torso, first over the dress shirt, then slipping beneath. Things he wants to say: that this is artificial, that Refrain is beneath him, that reliving the past is a sure sign of a man with too many regrets. That Suzaku chose this path, and so he has no right to -

"Is this okay?" (But Suzaku's touch is the same as it was a year ago, feverish but gentle, holding back his strength. It stirs something within him, the same something that, for precious moments at a time, could be duped into believing it didn't matter if there was a war, because Suzaku was close. And...) "Lelouch?"

A favor, then, he thinks to himself as lips glide over his throat. He shuts his eyes and thinks of a time when only a handful of lives depended on him being above these very base instincts, lust and want and longing lending his hands nimbleness where his brain cannot. He slides off Suzaku's shirt and pretends some of the newer scars aren't there. He traces a line of kisses down Suzaku's temple, his neck, his shoulder, and somehow it doesn't end up feeling like betrayal at all.


He ends up fucking Suzaku against the door (because it was one night in October when a newly-promoted Major slipped out of his uniform and convinced Lelouch he could handle the pain better). It's frantic and rushed and with barely any preparation, both of them half-dressed and straining for breath. Lelouch buries his face into Suzaku's shoulder, not trusting himself to speak. He thinks if he welcomes this darkness, and the breathless sounds Suzaku makes which aren't words (and thus can't be lies), it can be alright. Just for a moment. Just for a moment, this isn't the boy who raised a gun at him, who hunted him down across the skies of Tokyo, who sold him to his own father; rather, this is the boy who saved him in Shinjuku, who returned to him and promised never to leave, who knew how to smile in a way that lit up his eyes and almost convinced him that innocence never really dies.

Lelouch comes not long after Suzaku does, but his voice breaks when he cries out, making it sound like something else.

And then he is watching the sunset sitting against the wall, right next to the applicator where he first found Suzaku. A favor, he reminds himself bitterly. But his hand stalls above the head of a sleeping Knight of Seven, resting on his lap, as he wonders whom this favor really benefited at all.


It's dark when Suzaku awakens.

He rubs his eyes as he pulls himself to his feet, hissing at the unexpected ache all over (which is all in his head, but only because he knows better.)

Strange. Everyone always says Refrain's potency wears off with time. But today...

Suzaku shakes his head, snapping the box shut. It doesn't matter, because today was the last time.

(And he tells himself that the week after, as well.)


[a/n: ...Guess who? XD]


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 8 2011, 23:35:46 UTC
*sobs* what a tear-jerker are you! shame on you, w!a!
-not OP, but a happy lurker!Anon


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 9 2011, 01:22:19 UTC
w!a: i'm...sorry? ^_^;; ahahaha


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 8 2011, 23:37:35 UTC

Ah, so beautifully written. Just the right mix of bittersweet.


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 9 2011, 01:22:57 UTC

thanks ~ <3


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 9 2011, 01:11:53 UTC
Uwah... so possible and so sad. :(

As bad as I feel for Lelouch here (and I do feel bad for him), I also have this uncomfortable icky feeling at what he's done. Even if...

...poor everyone. Very emotional writing!


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 9 2011, 01:24:05 UTC
w!a: I owe them both a hug =(. But, thanks! :D (ReCaptcha is "topillow probably." ...Whut?)


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 9 2011, 11:43:47 UTC
Oh my God. OP here. Forgive me for clearly not being as good with words as you are, writer anon, but this is awesome. It's poignant, heartbreaking and amazingly IC. It's...perfect. I love you. Thank you.

Suzaku convincing Lelouch he can 'handle the pain better' was already canon in my head and just made you my hero.

brb, off to bawl.

aqsdfghjkl <3


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 9 2011, 11:52:45 UTC
(and ah ah lookie here, if anon's guess above is right then you already were my hero. Please never stop? :'))


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 9 2011, 17:19:57 UTC
w!a: Yay~! <3 I'm so happy you like it, OP! I love you too ^_^.

(Anon's guess was spot-on, actually >_<. I'll try my best to live up to that, then! ^_^.)

Thanks again! <3

'Ars Telfilat' - ReCaptcha sometimes I wonder about you.


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 19 2011, 20:20:48 UTC
He ends up fucking Suzaku against the door

...wait, did he lift him? *curious anon is curious*


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 20 2011, 00:25:50 UTC
w!a: not quite ^_^;; he's doing Suzaku from behind. he...may be bending his knees a bit ohlulu you'll regret this in the morning


Re: Limbo [2/2] anonymous February 20 2011, 09:30:16 UTC
Ahaha, thanks oh yes he's going to


Re: Limbo [1/2] anonymous February 9 2011, 02:02:42 UTC
w!a, you made me crave for a reverse situation so badly(that I posted yet another request, lol)... and with a dark, jerk!Suzaku, no less.


Re: Limbo [1/2] anonymous February 9 2011, 17:22:20 UTC
Haha you're welcome~! XD I'd do it (out of principle) but Ore!zaku really isn't my thing. In fact I don't think I've written anything with Ko7!Suzaku in which he hasn't...bottomed :|.

Which I guess isn't what you're looking for! XD But I see someone already claimed that prompt, so all the best to him/her :D.


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