Thread the Second

Aug 27, 2011 10:20

Because the first thread is filling...

... Thread II
(ain't that a mouthful?)


∅ BE ANONYMOUS for prompts and comments, always. You may fill de-anon'd if you're worried about plagiarism, but try not to as it puts pressure on the other anons. <3

∅ When requesting, make sure to ( Read more... )

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Witch of a Step-mom anonymous December 29 2011, 16:10:10 UTC


Only Marianne did the bribing.

“Lelouch, CC wants to take you and Nunally to the movies this afternoon.”

“CC's home! She brought pizza...and she made sure to order one with thin crust. Just how you like it.”

“Lelouch, CC has said she will stay home and watch you so you don't have to accompany me to the grocery store.”

“Really, Mother.” Lelouch entoned coolly without glancing up from Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Though Lelouch was too young to know precisely what Nietzsche was talking about, he knew how sophisticated, how sharp, how oh-so tragically alienated he appeared curled up on the armchair in his brand-new bedroom moodily reading his Nietzsche.

“You cannot buy my favor for the witch with promises of petty favors. Besides. I am 14 years old. I am mature enough to look after Nanally and myself without a...” his lip curled disdainfully “a 'babysitter.'”

“I trust you to take care of yourself. What I don't trust you to do is spend an hour in this house alone without plotting world domination.”

Marianne sighed. She shook her head, her mouth curling slightly in exasperated amusement.

“Very well, then, you ungrateful child. She's watching TV right now if you need her.”

“If I need the witch for anything,” Lelouch sneered. “It'll be for a reminder to myself the anatomical dangers of consuming too much high-fat, high-calorie pizza.”

A soft giggle muffled by the walls. Marianne's head turned towards the sound, a smile softening her eyes. Lelouch shuddered in exaggerated disgust.

“Some of us don't mind!” called the distant voice. Marianne smirked.

“You know I don't!

“Mother, PLEASE! I'm young,” Lelouch moaned, throwing a melodramatic hand across his own eyes. Marianne's footsteps and barely muffled sniggers faded out the hall and were silenced by the sharp click of the front door.

The words of Nietzsche swam before Lelouch's eyes. Lines began to blur and punctuation skipped across the page reducing the type of Jackson Pollack smears...why could he not concentrate? With a decisive nod, Lelouch deemed it time for a cherry-flavored ice pop from the freezer to aid him in his quest to figure out, exactly, what this “Ubermench” was and how he must go about becoming one.

He had to walk past the den on the way to the kitchen. CC was curled up on her side on the couch, perching herself upright on her elbow. She was wearing white cut-off shorts bunched up tight were she lay and one of Marianne's loose, billowy white blouses obviously without a bra. In the eerie blue afterglow of the TV set, her hard little nipples thrust up clearly beneath the shirt. Lelouch's ears smouldered.

“How's world domination going, my little ubermench?” CC quipped mischievously. Even in the half-light, he could see the minxish little glint in her eyes.

“Silence, witch. You may have seduced my mother with your feminine may have convinced Nunally into trusting you...but I, I shall never be fooled.” Lelouch puffed out his little chest with all the gusto he could muster. With an icy stare, he stuttered down the hall (with his ice pop in hand.)

No sooner had he entered his bed room did he abandon the ice pop and thrust his hand down his shorts; the memory of CC and her nipples and her cut offs and her hair all disheveled as she sprawled on the couch....

“Stupid Pizza Butt,” he hissed through gritted teeth.


“So, how's the new neighborhood?”

“It's good. Pretty boring, all things considered. I suppose that my life will become more interesting when I am in school and shall be more intellectually challenged. During summer, though, it's just me, Nunaly, Mother, and...her.” Lelouch propped up his pillow against the headboard of his bed and wriggled slightly upright. “You should come to visit me sometime, Suzaku.”

“I already asked my dad. And know.” Pause. “You know what he's....”

“Yeah, don't worry about it. It's not that big of deal,” Lelouch shrugged nonchalantly, crossing his legs at the knees as he picked, melancholy, at his fingernails.


Witch of a Step-mom (part 20 anonymous December 29 2011, 16:11:12 UTC
“Uh, yeah. It kinda is. Who else am I going to beat at running, wrestling, tree-climbing... and pretty much all the time?”

“Oh yeah? Who's going to dominate you in chess?”

“Who's going to send you secret hand signals in class to entertain you when you're about to fall asleep? Oh that's right, YOU couldn't understand them!”

“Hey! Only because YOU screwed them up!”

“The code you made up was too complicated.”

“Well, I remembered it all.” The corner of Lelouch's mouth twitched. He could hear Suzaku repress a snigger on the other end of the phone.

“Remind me again, Lelouch. Why are we talking at 3:00 in the morning?”

“So no one shall overhear our conversations.” Lelouch coldly lay a finger to his temple.

“Why? We never talk about anything interesting. We're just catching up! Since we never get to see each other face to face anymore...”

“Yeah. Since moving away.” Lelouch muttered bitterly.


“What'dya say, Lelouch?”

“That wasn't me.”

Lelouch removed the phone from his ear and craned his head toward the door.

Shrill, exhilarated cries sounded muffled by the walls like soft, quick explosions.

“Oh Gods! Oh Gods! Mari...Mari...Mari...ANNE! YES! YES! YES YESSSSS!”

“Uh. Gotta go. Talk to you later, Suzaku?” Lelouch heard his own voice hitch up at the end against his will. His stomach knotted in shame.

“Yeah. Absolutely. Night Lelouch.”

“Good night.”

Lelouch wasn't sure what caused his dull flush more: that Suzaku heard his voice hitch like a girl's or that, once again, his hand was sneaking down under his pajamas....

Definitely the later.

Her eyes had a way of catching him sideways, when her cat-smile came out in the morning. The infuriating cat-smile. The one that said “I have seen and known all things and I can see right through you.” Cat-like, too, was the way she foot neat, soft, and swift in front of the other in a tight line all so smoothly when she walks she glides...

Hot sick rose up in Lelouch's throat. But another kind of hot crinkled and rippled all through him, the kind of hot that kept him up all night.


“Lelouch, Big brother...oh big brother, why don't you like CC?”


Re: Witch of a Step-mom Part 3 anonymous December 29 2011, 16:12:27 UTC
Nunally's big blue eyes set a warm, humiliating shudder all through his veins and knotting his stomach. He could not help but deflate a little before those placid eyes.

“She's okay. I mean. I guess.” He squirmed. “She's better for Mother than Father was. Please don't tell either of them I said that.”

“Promise.” Nunally smiled brightly, pleased to be her brother's confidant. “Do you resent her for making us move?”

Lelouch sighed. He never could deceive Nunally...

“Somewhat,” Lelouch did not meet his sister's eyes. “Somewhat.”

“Is that why you don't like to go to the beach with us?'

He sucked in air quickly, before he could help himself. Their new city was located near a harbor by the sea and their apartment was walking distance from a small, non-commercial beach. A memory moved inside his mind....he sat, slimmed with sunscreen painfully self-conscious of how awkward, how skinny, how bony and pale he was hunched on a towel in his baggy black swim trunks. Marianne and Nunally sculpted a sandcastle together several yards away. And CC, CC waded knee-deep in the rolling tide with her long, dyed green hair bouncing and twisting in the wind like she was under water or like each strand had a mind of its own. And that one piece bathing suit that v-ed in around her plump little butt, the twin, soap-smooth white cheeks peeking out on either side.

“I do not care for the beach. I prefer more intellectually stimulating activities which do not increase one's chance at getting melanoma.” Lelouch hoped Nunally did not notice him flush.


“Happy anniversary, love.”

Marianne kissed CC's mouth. Lelouch twisted with jealousy. Before CC, back when Marianne was Charles's mistress, Lelouch and Nunally had had their mother all to themselves. It was for Nunally's sake Lelouch was jealous, he reassured himself. It really is so wrong of mother to ignore her own daughter this way....

“I can't believe it's been a whole year!” Nunally exclaimed enthusiastically. “I feel like you've been part of the family forever, CC!”

“You and me both,” Lelouch muttered bitterly.

“I'm glad you feel that way, darling.” Marianne purred, toying idly with one of Nunally's pigtails. “I'm glad that one of you has adjusted to this so well.Although...I think Lelouch is happier that you're in the family than he lets on.”

This she whispered to CC, her eyes dancing and her voice low with all the gleeful confidentiality of an inside joke. CC giggled.

“I don't understand you.” Lelouch frowned.

“You really think you're so subtle and hard to read, don't you?” Marianne laughed. “It's okay, Lelouch. I obviously approve of your taste.”

“Like mother, like son.” CC agreed, her eyes drinking in Marianne with a quiet warmth.

What were they talking ab....


Though found out (and internally squirming) Lelouch huffed, too dignified to comment on the matter. Marianne smiled triumphantly, with that self-righteous little smirk of hers. Her fingers intwined with her lover's. CC giggled softly as her partner kissed her on the cheek.

“Witch,” murmured Lelouch.


Okay, that really didn't turn out very good. Oh well. It was a great prompt, though, so thank you OP.


Re: Witch of a Step-mom Part 3 anonymous December 30 2011, 05:24:35 UTC
I quite liked it! Lelouch's young age made his ambivalence and confusion more real and realistic.

Marianne and C.C.'s teasing was also kind of cute, rather than completely malicious, which is nice to see.

I like that, despite Lelouch's irritatingly active libido, he's still looking at the world as Nunnally-centric as he can (or at least that's what he tells himself).

The short bit with Suzaku and the 3am phone calls was adorable, made all the more so by the accidental voyeurism Lelouch indulges in.

And, even at the end, Lelouch doesn't give up his embarrassed pride. Way to go! XD

It was a fun and sweet read, and a very nice look into a younger Lelouch. Thanks!


OP anonymous December 30 2011, 08:42:09 UTC
Aw, anon, don't apologize! This was so sweet, I love it.


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