Thread the Second

Aug 27, 2011 10:20

Because the first thread is filling...

... Thread II
(ain't that a mouthful?)


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Empress Consort. Part 2/? anonymous September 3 2011, 18:14:55 UTC
“Everything” she replies, “I remember everything, but Lelouch, I love you. Even though you took away my memories I fell in love with you again, and now that I have them back I still love you!” She stops babbling and waits for his reaction, but his face stays deathly still. “You can take away my memories again, and I’ll still fall in love with you, over and over,” she finishes in a much smaller voice.

“I could,” he says “and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. So why are you telling me this Shirley?”

“Because you need me to remember Lulu. I want to help you, whatever you decide to do and I think you want me to help you too.” For a moment she’s struck by the audacity of telling Zero what he thinks. Then Lelouch reaches out and takes her hand again, and all her fear dissolves.

“You want to be with the man who killed your father? With Zero, who has sworn to tear Britannia to the ground?” The first question she expected, but the second is so strange it gives her pause.

“What do you mean? Zero fights for justice, doesn’t he? Why would you want to tear down Britannia?” The images of Nunnally as the viceroy and the emperor at her school jump up at her, and she realises that she’s missing something important. “Who are you Lulu?”

“I am Lelouch vi Britannia, eleventh son of the emperor Charles, who let my mother die and blinded my sister. I will tear down the world that my father has created and build a new world in its place, a world without lies, where my sister can be safe.” The answer spills from his lips so smoothly that it can only be rehearsed, and his voice is suddenly different from anything she’s ever heard before. It’s the voice of a great man, someone strong and clever and very cruel; it’s a voice that belongs in a history book, not coming from a real person. It’s the voice of the masked warlord, and for the first time the link between the man in front of her and the man on every TV screen becomes truly solid and real. He sits back and looks at her while she takes it all in, and she wonders if he’s as nervous about her reaction as she is. He doesn’t look nervous at all.

“If that’s who you are” Shirley says, “then let me be in that new world with you. Let me be your Josephine.” It’s the stupidest, silliest thing she’s ever said, but it makes him smile and in that moment his smile is all that matters.


OP anonymous September 4 2011, 02:54:38 UTC
Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh you have made my day, I love you. And this. I am excited if that wasn't already painfully obvious.


Empress Consort. Part 3/? anonymous September 9 2011, 20:53:54 UTC
Then Lelouch’s smile fades. He tells Shirley that he cares about her, very deeply, but he can’t be with her just yet. There’s going to be a battle he says, a confrontation that will smash the world as they know it one way or the other. He’s going to put his own life on the line for it, and he might have to be away for months or years to do it. But if he wins, and if she waits for him, then when Lelouch vi Britannia is king Shirley Fenette will be his queen. He kisses her, and it’s everything she imagined it would be. She stammers her goodbyes and promises to wait for him forever if she has to. He leaves the room without another word and Shirley’s blood seems to freeze as she realises that she might not see him again in this lifetime.

He vanishes from the school a few days later, taking Rolo with him. After that things begin to move very fast. Nunnally vanishes, Suzaku vanishes, the UFN rises and Zero is everywhere. Now that she really understands whose face is behind that impassive mask Shirley finds the stories about him more and more exciting. She listens to the Japanese who whisper of his strength and genius and finds her head filled with questions and fantasies. What will it be like to be with an emperor? Will he still be the Lulu she fell in love with or must she learn to love someone very different? Will he want her as she is, a living memento of his old life, or must she learn to be the queen that he deserves? Will he take her to bed as gently as she always imagined he would or will she be swept up by the passion of a conquering hero?

Japan is freed from its chains in ten hours of terrifying violence and Shirley finds herself taking ship back to the Motherland with the other students. They go under a special escort of Black Knights, a sign of Zero’s mercy towards the ordinary people of Britannia. She can’t help but believe that it’s really an honour guard just for her, and the idea makes her feel more excited than she’s ever felt before. It’s as though she’s in a bubble, cut off from the world around her by the secret she carries and waiting to be set free.

Shirley doesn’t see the corpses, the spires of smoke and the shattered homes that make up her soon-to-be-king’s war. She watches the rolling news reports and hears the frightened whispers, but she knows that everything Lelouch does is done for justice. When the fighting ends and the maps are redrawn Zero vanishes from the stage for a full month. She knows she should be worried but finds she isn’t, because by now she trusts her prince to much to doubt him.

She’s staying with a distant aunt on the outskirts of Pendragon when the letter comes:
The Elizabeth Hotel, room 108, 8pm on the 25th. Bring a swimsuit. I love you.
She reads it a dozen times the minute it arrives, and a hundred more over the next two nights. By now she’s too nervous to do anything but pick out her best dress and buy a new bikini (bottle green to match her eyes, a little skimpy but nothing outrageous).

There’s a storm coming, which breaks just as she enters the hotel lobby with a booming crash of thunder, the sound an exclamation point for the first book of her life. She rides upwards in the lift, walks down the corridor and knocks on the door. It’s not the most luxurious of Pendragon’s many hotels, but it’s warm and colourful, and Lelouch is there. He opens the door and invites her in, and she can see at once that he’s not the same person he was when he left her, much less the boy she innocently longed for over so many years. He’s older and sterner, his hair is longer and his posture has changed. He takes her in his arms and kisses her for the second time, and she wants him. She wants his hands on her naked body, his fingers in her pussy and his cock in her mouth. She wants him so much she feels like she’ll melt if he doesn’t fuck her right now, but because she’s still Shirley Fenette all she does is kiss him back a little more forcefully than before and follow him into the room.


Re: Empress Consort. Part 3/? anonymous September 12 2011, 03:12:40 UTC
(Not OP)


Nice to see the creepy extremes to which Shirley's love and devotion is being taken, very nice.


Empress Consort. Part 4/? anonymous September 26 2011, 18:49:36 UTC
Room 108 is bathed in soft lamplight and filled with a heavy, cloying rose perfume. Shirley smiles inwardly as the smell hits her; Lelouch may have changed a lot but it seems that in some ways he’s as clueless as ever. There are heavy red curtains, a dark wooden table and a large bath in one corner of the room, raised up on a dais and surrounded by checker tiles. A darkened doorway leads through to another room; she can just make out the shape of a bed inside.

“Lelouch,” she says as they sit down at the table, “what have you been doing? Are Suzaku and Nunnally alright?”

“They’re both alive and safe” he replies, smiling broadly, “As for me? I’m winning Shirley. For the first time since my mother died everything is working out just as I wanted. And tomorrow…tomorrow I’ll be the emperor. It’s really going to happen.” He speaks softly, but she can tell that he’s barely managing to hold back his excitement. He’s starting at her with a feverish light in his eyes and a hungry twist to his lips. The look would be scary if it came from anyone else, but because it’s coming from Lelouch she feels flattered and wanted. She opens her mouth to speak but he cuts across her; “Let’s get in the bath first; I’ve been waiting to use it.”

The suite has a little bathroom as well and it’s there that she gets changed. She takes a moment to admire her own naked body in the mirror; for the first time in her life Shirley Fenette feels beautiful. She’s been told so dozens of times, and she’s always half-heartedly believed it but know she knows it to be true. The bikini seems smaller than before, barely covering anything. It doesn’t matter, she tells herself, here and now she wants him to think of her like that.

Lelouch is waiting for her in the bath, surrounded by a halo of backlighting that makes him look more angelic than ever. Shirley sways her hips as she walks towards him, trying to be just alluring enough. He takes her hand and guides her in; the water is very hot, almost uncomfortable. She begins to ask him to run the cold tap but bites her tongue, not wanting anything to hurt the moment.

“Well, here we are” she says, wanting to break the tension between them but suddenly lost for words. He’s wearing a little black thong and she could swear that he’s gained tone and muscle both since she last saw him in a swimsuit. He’s got a livid white scar scrawled across his left shoulder and a shiny stain she takes for a burn mark on hip. Mine the hungry part of her whispers, he’s beautiful and he’s mine.

“Here we are” he replies, again with that teasing smile. She realises that her leering must have been painted all over her face and smiles back. He takes a wine bottle from beside the tub and pours her a glass of pale bubbling liquid. She accepts it with exaggerated care, suddenly worried that she’ll drop it, or spill some, or just won’t be as elegant as she should. “To us?” he says, raising his glass. “Us” she mumbles in reply. Shirley isn’t a fan of champagne, but again she keeps her complaints to herself.

“So, why don’t you tell more about your adventures…hero?” she whispers the last word and sips her drink as she does, looking up at him from under her eyelashes in what she hopes is a coy and sultry manner.

“It’s a long story…” he begins, and he doesn’t stop. A flood of words tumble out of him, a tale which has waited days to be told. He talks about his victories, about the masterful strategies he used and the thrill he felt as each enemy feel before him. He talks about Suzaku and Nunnally, about how he brought them both back to his side even over the great gulfs that divided them. He talks about his father and mother, who he met in a world of dreams and sent back into the past where they belong. He tells her about his grand plans for Britannia and the world, about all the changes he’ll make and the new world of justice he’ll create.


Empress Consort. Part 5? anonymous September 26 2011, 18:52:11 UTC
Shirley nods and smiles at first but quickly lapses into silent attention, growing ever more entranced by the shining vision he weaves before her. It’s vast and glorious and she can tell it means everything to him, but as he speaks she slowly realises that it scares her. She was right - there’s no room in Lelouch vi Britannia’s world for plain old Shirley Fenette.

“Lelouch” she says at last “It all sounds wonderful. But Lelouch…I’m worried.” His face falls into a look of incomprehension that stabs right through her; she grabs his hand impulsively, terrified by what she might have done. “I love you and I want to be with you forever” she goes on hurriedly, “But I don’t know if I’m good enough for you. I’m just an ordinary girl, and you’re…well, a king.”

He frowns, so suddenly that she jerks her hand away. He catches hold of her fingertips painfully, but releases them when he sees the look of hurt and surprise on her face. They’ve churned the water a little; the lapping waves around Shirley’s chest make her feel even more off-balance and flustered. For a sudden horrible moment his eye seems to sparkle with the familiar light of geass and her heart leaps into her mouth. She was right, and he knows it, and now he’s going to take it all away. Then he moves his head a fraction of an inch and she sees that it’s just a nasty trick of the light.

“Shirley, you’re right about one thing - I am the king, and we’re going to have to learn to live with that. But you’re not unworthy; you’re everything I could want in a person. You’re kind and honest and beautiful, and you know that don’t you?” His tone is almost insulting, but she feels herself blushing all the same. She glances downwards shyly, notices the bulge in his trunks and jerks her head back up reflexively. He gives her a knowing little chuckle, then reaches out to kiss her again. She tugs him forwards and leans back and he ends up lying on top of her, with his arms around her and his shoulders under the water. This kiss is even better than the others, long and hot and passionate. She feels his fingers creeping up to the bikini top and…

He pulls away from her suddenly, swearing and covering his left eye with his palm. He casts about theatrically for a moment, and then slouches back down against his side of the tub.

“What’s wrong?” Shirley says.

“Ahhhh, I’d hoped to wait until later to show you this, but I suppose it’s now or never.” He takes his hand away and there is the geass, glittering in the depths of his eye. He touches his left eye, plucks out a contact lens and reveals its twin. Shirley stares into those shimmering depths and once again she feels a pang of fear as she considers how he can break her, her or anyone else with just a glance.

“CC tells me that I’ll have these marks forever. I can control it now though…are you okay?”

Shirley opens her mouth, but no sound comes out. His eyes look horrible. There’s no way she can deny it, no way to sugar coat it. Between the dancing ghost lights and the spidery symbols scratched across his pupils he doesn’t look like the Lelouch she knew at all.

“I won’t lie to you” she says carefully, “it looks pretty strange. How did this happen?”

“When I…It evolved when I made my mother and the emperor vanish.” Shirley can almost see the words ‘when I killed my parents’ trip across his tongue and suddenly his story makes a lot less sense. Would Suzaku really accept what happened to princess Euphemia just like that? How many bystanders must have died when he stole Nunnally back? What happened to Rolo?


Re: Empress Consort. Part 5? anonymous September 26 2011, 19:29:13 UTC

Very excited by the latest update, w!a. I'm enjoying this very much.


Re: Empress Consort. Part 5? anonymous September 26 2011, 19:34:33 UTC
I think there is something more than a little bit creepy that seeing his Geass sets off Shirley wondering. Not that I thing he actually geassed her again (...yet), but that it's such a good indication of how caught up Shirley has become.

Not that Shirley's the only one in canon that happens to.


Empress Consort. Part 6/? anonymous October 31 2011, 23:07:20 UTC
Rushing an update out for Halloween, I hope the creepy makes up for the rough.

“Rolo?” he asks blankly. “I’m afraid he died a while ago, of heart failure of all things. I didn’t want to have to tell you this until later. Why do you ask?”

“I just…it just occurred to me” she stutters, “I guess your eyes frightened me more than I let on. I must have thought aloud.” Shirley smiles desperately, knowing it doesn’t reach her eyes. She stares at Lelouch and knows that there’s more to his story than he’s letting on - how much else is he going to tell her later? Her eyebrows knit together with annoyance. “Lelouch…Is there anything worrying you?” she says, choosing the words very, very carefully.

“Shirley Fenette” Lelouch replies, “Love me.”

The light fills up her entire world. She can feel it this time; waves of pearlescent power that seep through her brain, nipping and tucking at her deepest self. It only takes a moment, but to Shirley it lasts an age. She sees the corpses and hates them for their defiance. She sees the smoke and its smell is glorious. She sees the shattered homes and broken lives, and she doesn’t care at all.

The haze clears. Shirley looks at Lelouch vi Britannia and knows him. She sees all his flaws, all his mistakes and all his regrets and she loves him for them. She knows what he just did to her and she loves him for it. She takes in the look on his face, of frightened apprehension tinged with lust and she loves him for that to.

Shirley lunges forward across the tub, sending water crashing over the sides and dashing the wine glasses to the floor. She throws her arms around him and plasters his jaw and neck with kisses, pinning him with her legs and forcing him down. With one hand clutching at his hair she thrusts the other downwards and claws at his thong, ignoring his squawk of pain as she tugs it down to his knees. He grabs hold of her wrists and they struggle together for a moment, Shirley scrabbling for purchase, Lelouch pressing himself flat against the wall of the tub. Suddenly his knee catches her in the stomach, not hard but enough to make her stop struggling. Their faces are inches apart; she can feel his breath on her forehead.

“How long did you plan to do that?” Shirley says, looking at her prince through curtains of soaking amber hair.

“Shirley, oh God Shirley what have I done?” Lelouch says, his voice quavering with horror. She tries to pull away from him with a playful little tug, smiling mischievously; Lelouch’s eyes widen and he tightens his grip painfully. He’s afraid of her - he’s really afraid of her! It’d be horrible if it wasn’t so funny, and the way his lip trembles as she chuckles at him is funnier still. He’s afraid of her, and it’s funny, and Shirley loves him for it.


Empress Consort. Part 7/? anonymous October 31 2011, 23:11:46 UTC
“I asked you a question Lulu. When did you decide to geass me?”

“T…Two days ago. I decided I’d do it if I couldn’t get you any other way. I didn’t mean to do it tonight I just panicked. I can fix it, you have to believe me, I can fix it…” he stops blubbering and stares at her, mute with horror. Shirley pulls away from him and he lets her go, his hands flopping limply into the water.

“What happened to Rolo?” she says.

“He died to save me.” Lelouch replies, “He didn’t have to. I could have stopped him and…I didn’t.”


“I…It would have been dangerous. We were surrounded. I could have gambled my own life to save us both, but I chose to let him die for me.” He’s trying to sound guilty, but Shirley can tell that he’s more relieved than anything else. “What are you going to do now?” he says, before she has a chance to reply.

“First I’m going to fuck you,” she replies, rolling the word off her tongue and savouring way he flinches, very slightly. She reaches behind herself and takes her top off, drops it to the tiles and smirks as his eyes snap up to her forehead. “Then I’m going to marry you.” She stands up and pulls the bikini briefs down, leaving him staring right at her crotch. “You don’t have to be scared you now. I won’t bite unless you ask”.

The old Shirley Fenette would never have dared to do something like this, but now the soft light at the back of her mind smothers her fear and self-consciousness. The old Shirley has been murdered, she realizes, taken apart and put back together as someone quite new. The woman who walked into the hotel less than an hour ago is gone and the woman standing up in the tub could not care less.


Re: Empress Consort. Part 7/? anonymous November 1 2011, 03:45:53 UTC
N-not as planned, Lulu?

This is both creepy and... well, creepier. For both Lelouch and Shirley. I'm kind of stunned and really eager to see what happens next.

(God, Lelouch, that was dumb. Haven't you read the other fics where you geass Suzaku or Euphy into loving you? That's not very genre-aware of you.)


Re: Empress Consort. Part 7/? anonymous November 1 2011, 11:27:31 UTC
He can break the world, but he just can't seem to get past that fourth wall barrier.


Re: Empress Consort. Part 7/? anonymous November 2 2011, 07:22:05 UTC

This is fantastic. So fantastic. I love it. I love both of them.


Empress Consort. Part 8/? anonymous November 15 2011, 22:56:53 UTC
Something inside Lelouch must have resolved itself, because he smiles. It’s a naughty smile, broad and mischievous, his eyebrows furrowed gleefully. He leans forward, puts his hands on her thighs and kisses her belly button. It’s an odd sensation, the tip of his tongue exploring the little dent and (don’t ruin the moment!) lapping up a few drops of bathwater. He goes lower, kisses her right where her womb must be (and it’ll be full soon, surly it must!). Still lower, he nuzzles into the space between her legs, savoring the feel of her bush against his face; he flicks his tongue out and runs it through the patch of hair, coming to rest so that he’s looking up at her with his chin on her belly and his eyes full of desire. He’s beautiful she thinks again, oh God in heaven thank you, he’s beautiful. She touches his face gently, strokes his cheek and his hair. Lelouch closes his eyes and gives a little sigh, then takes her hand in his and kisses it.

Shirley has dreamed about Lelouch and fantasised about Lelouch night after night for months, but she’s never imagined him like this before. He was always the powerful one, the one who took the lead in her fantasies even when he was gentle with her. Looking down at him as he kneels in the tub she wonders if she should tell him it’s not her thing realizes that being on top might actually be fun. You only have one first time after all - why not make it a little unusual? She takes him under the chin and nudges him to stand, then squats beside him to pull his thong all the way off. Well, there’s his penis, an absurd little voice interjects, and she has to stifle a laugh. Mine the darker voice says, and that makes her grin like a shark.

“Let’s not do it in the tub” Lelouch says, “We can throw the towels over the bed and change the sheets later. I’ve never done it all wet before.” Shirley feels a hot dart of jealousy stab through her notes that it’s not his first time approvingly; after all, it’ll be better for her this way and heroes can have as many women they want.

As many as he wants, as long as he only loves Me.


Empress Consort. Part 9/? anonymous November 15 2011, 22:58:50 UTC
They do as he suggested, dripping across the floor and covering the bed. The towels are fresh from the rail and hot to the touch. Lelouch lies down and squirms in pleasure, purring at the back of his throat. It’s…God, it’s the most erotic thing Shirley has ever seen. Then he opens his eyes and reaches out to her and fucking hell, that’s even better. She clambers on top of him and they hold each other tight, every inch of their bodies in wonderful, wonderful contact. His tongue is in her mouth and his hands are on her naked body, his fingers in her pussy and it all feels so good. When he puts his fingers inside her hymen breaks; there’s a lot less blood and a lot less pain than she expected and he's just as gentle as she imagined.

She gets up on top of him and takes him inside of her, clinging to his whispered advice like a lifeline. She looks down at him and he gazes up at her through half closed eyes. He’s smiling but it almost looks like he’s in pain, little whimpers of pleasure drifting out of him. He’s beautiful and sad and hers and it’s all so wonderful she feels like her heart will break.

Afterwards they shower together and eat supper (a carton of carrot soup - Lelouch starts to talk about how she’ll never have to eat anything that isn’t prepared by the world’s finest chefs again, until she shushes him and raises the spoon to his lips.) They change the bed sheets and put the towels out to be washed. It’s so mundane it goes right back to being romantic, ‘I going to spend the rest of my life with him. It’s really happening! she thinks.

They lie down to sleep as midnight draws in. Shirley lies with her eyes closed, facing away from Lelouch with his arm rested on her stomach. She can feel his gaze boring into the back of her skull, an hour after he thinks she’s gone to sleep. He’s afraid of her and she knows it, but that doesn’t matter because she loves him. She doesn’t need fixing and she’s going to show him that, again and again and again.


Re: Empress Consort. Part 9/? anonymous November 16 2011, 19:16:28 UTC
Hnnng okay this story is just the right amount of creepy and sexy and I love it to bits.


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