Movement In Still Life: Vignette 9

Dec 03, 2007 02:15

Time Line (Very Important!)

Intro: Original Piece of "Movement In Still Life"
Vignette II: The Benefit - 5 Years After Intro
Vignette III: The Elevator - 10 Years After Intro
Vignette IV: The Gift - 12 Years After Intro
Vignette V: The Lobby - 14 Years After Intro
Vignette VI: The Revelation - 15 Years After Intro
Vignette VII: The Train - 16 Years After Intro
Vignette VIII: The Coup d'état - 17 Years After Intro
Vignette VIV: Saying Goodbye Part I - 22 Years After Intro

Disclaimer: Bianca, Maggie, Miranda, Kendall, Greenlee, Erica etc belong to AMC/ABC. No money/profit being made from their use here.
Natasha, Jacques, Pierre, Phillipe, and Marguerite belong to Cgirl. Susan belongs to both Cgirl and me.

Rating: Strong R for the entire sequel. We mean it, Really. Please read responsibly.
Extra Warning - For developments in this vignette; which I don’t wish to expose and ruin the progress of the story. Some things in fiction, as in life, are best revealed as they happen and not before. I hope each of you will agree with my decision.

Feedback: It is the life blood for all writers. Please share your thoughts - good or bad, they are appreciated.



Saying Goodbye Part I
This vignette was written by Diva

Twenty Two Years After Intro

It had been five years since Bianca had stormed out of a certain doctor’s life. Actually four years, 360 days and far too many hours and minutes, but who was counting; surely not Bianca Montgomery. She had, after all, made her choice, the right choice, or so she had kept telling herself from the moment she stepped on that plane and watched Maggie’s secret world slip away. Like ether amongst the clouds that surrounded her as she flew back to her life. If anyone who knew the woman well, had been there that day - that moment, they would have witnessed a certain light within her go out. A light, that so defined Bianca, you would have to been blind not to see it. She, however, did not cease to exist. She went on with her daily existence. Exploring activities to keep both body and mind occupied, such as Charities, Galas, Miranda’s life and loves and of course Natasha.

After the first year, travel became a huge part of Bianca’s life. Natasha would accompany her, when her schedule permitted. And sometimes it would be Miranda. But more often than not, the retired Cambius executive would travel alone to parts unknown by family or friends; each trip ending with numerous gifts for her loved ones and exciting tales of exotic places. But little if any joy or happiness was ever seen, upon her return, in her eyes, that had lost that hint of laughter oh so long ago.

The five years came and went with only one haunting reminder each year, from the Doctor Stone. An annual invitation to Bianca to join her in some far of place on a day that meant something only to these two separated souls. But Montgomery ignored each one, burning the notes that came with no hint of promise or repentance, thus confirming her resolve to move on.

But this year would prove to be different. This year a long and disturbing communication arrived. Not on their day, but a few days earlier. Bianca had read and re-read Maggie’s letter so many times, the ink was beginning to smudge from too many tears shed as she tried to deal with the content.

Today was the fourth day since the letter’s arrival, and Bianca sat with Miranda at their breakfast table. Something mother and daughter had begun to do as a morning ritual, shortly after her child had taken her position at Cambius.

Miranda would use their early morning meetings to bounce ideas off her mother, in an effort to garner both knowledge and acceptance from the woman she most admired and loved. But after almost five years of said breakfast conferences, between mother and daughter, they had become more a thing of pleasure and bonding then business.

Miranda had been going on this morning about a disastrous blind date she had endured the night before. But her mother seemed distracted and more focused on a letter, or some such thing, she had put in her pocket several times during Miranda’s tirade and then took out and began to read once more. Needless to say, this was beginning to drive her daughter to distraction.

“Mother, you haven’t listened to a word I’ve said all morning. Just what is that thing you are reading that has you so mesmerized?”

“What?” Bianca answered, still not looking from the letter she held.

“That does it,” Miranda said, snatching the letter out of her mother’s hands and running to the nearest sofa to plop down and read the mysterious document.”

“MIRANDA! Don’t you dare read that! Give it back to me at once!”

Miranda laughed, ignoring her mother’s frantic pleas, not comprehending the seriousness of her mother’s tone. The young woman had done this as a joke, but she began to scan the letter becoming transfixed by the contents, then stopped, held it above her head and offered it back to her mother.

“Sorry, Mom - I didn’t realize - I didn’t mean to…”

Bianca took the letter back, tenderly laying her hand on her daughter’s head to let her know she needn’t say any more.

“Mother, you should go to her. Stop this bloody charade once and for all and go,”

“I can’t - it’s over Miranda. It’s been over for five years now,”

“If it were over, you wouldn’t be clutching her letter like that and re-reading it for hours. Setting every word to memory for god’s sakes - now would you?”

“You don’t understand, child - you can’t”

“I understand better then you think, Mother.”

The young daughter rose from the sofa, embraced her mother and whispered her final words on the subject in her mother’s ear.

“Stop running, Mother. Stop denying what you know is true and has been all my life - please. For once let yourself be happy” Miranda implored before she kissed her mother on the forehead and left her alone.


Bianca drove her rental car faster than these old back woods would deem safe, but her mind wasn’t on her driving or the lush unfamiliar country side surrounding her. Her mind was preoccupied playing back every word of Maggie’s letter - the letter that had broken her will once more and was leading her back to the very woman she had sworn five years ago she would never see again.

She had stalwartly ignored each previous plea made by the blonde the other four years. All made on February 24th and sent in some form to ignite old feelings within herself and for the other. But none had ever said the words or conveyed the feelings this letter had. Nothing Maggie had said or done the past four years had come close to touching Bianca’s very core or made her consider for even a millisecond that she might agree to meet. This letter was different and Miranda’s words of encouragement only fueled Bianca’s desire to give in and see Maggie Stone one more time - on last time, unless - unless Maggie meant what she had said in her letter.

**It's been five years since I've spoken to you, Bianca - touched you - held you. Each year more painful than the last; passing with the knowledge I may never again be with you. This correspondence is not sent to hurt you or to open old wounds. But there are things that have needed to be said for far too long, Bianca, and I beg your patience to hear them before you decide to discard this letter and me or us once and for all.

Bianca, it would never matter if my mind could no longer picture you. You haunt my dreams. Dreams where I could still taste you, feel you, be lost so deep within you I never wanted to go. Dreams so painfully real it took hours if not days, after I woke, to expel the memory of you. Hoping against hope that this would be the year you would lower the wall you bricked up so soundly behind you when you left me in Hell. An apt punishment, I guess, for being so selfish as to take you down that road with me for over 20 years.

20 years of pushing you away every time we would get close. 20 years of chasing and running from and towards each other. Ripping and tearing at your heart and mine each time one of us would let our guard down. Punishments for not wanting each other enough to take that one step needed to end the madness that our not so foolish hearts called love. A long and grueling dance, my love, which wore us both down.

I know I will never forget, how you stood there, that final day and said you were tired - God Bianca of course you were tired, so was I. How could we not be? Exhausted and beaten down by the emotional roller coaster we had so painstakingly built year after excruciating year - beam by steel beam. Each one forged by our desperate need for each other. But the need always thwarted by pride, by two ridiculous prideful women trying to keep their love alive on one rail, while they sabotaged it over and over again on the other. A pride that destroyed any hope for what we helplessly tried to cling to with each new attempt to see one another.

I failed you Bianca, I failed us so long ago and then we met again and began this insane dance of love and hate. Grasping at any emotion we could, when we were together. Helping and hurting each other for past and present transgressions and sins. But worst of all, we hurt the women we chose to marry - not because they knew of our illicit affair, but because we never gave of ourselves completely to them; because we couldn't. How could we, when we couldn't give ourselves to each other and yet we couldn't stay away either; at least until 5 years ago when you left me. Leaving me with more emptiness and pain then I thought humanly possible. But, my love, I need you to know I never hated you for it.

You finally made the choice I never had the courage to make. But not seeing you these past five long years has only solidified my feelings for you. So much so, I am ready to make that promise. Ready to commit to what I was never ready or willing to do in the past. To you, my beloved - to us.

Bianca, if there is even a hint of love still in your heart for me, please come. If it is an apology you need, I will beg on my knees for your forgiveness and promise never to fail you again.

Come Bianca. Please come to my cabin in the French Alps. I have enclosed all the directions you will need to find it. I will wait for you on our day, February 24th. I will wait for you for those 24 hours, as I have waited for you for well over 24 years. Waiting for the only woman I have loved completely. And if you choose not to come, I give you my word this will be my final correspondence to you. But - God willing, I pray I won't have to honor that promise.

All my love

Your Maggie **

Coming out of her thoughts, Bianca saw the markings to the private road leading to Maggie’s cabin. She stopped the car and debated for the millionth time should she or shouldn’t she. But her resolve was already gone. She knew this had to be. Both she and Maggie needed this to either end their relationship once and for all, or make a life they had dreamt of so many years ago in their youth and innocence.

She started her car once more, shook her head to clear her thoughts and sat as tall as she could, while the car rumbled up the private gravel road to the unknown.

Maggie sat on the window seat, her eyes glued to the driveway leading to her front door. She had paced most of the morning and hadn’t eaten a thing upon arriving to the cabin the night before. She tried to read and work on her computer to take her mind off the waiting, but nothing helped. The dread of failure had begun to grow with each passing hour. The mere thought of never seeing or holding Bianca again made the bile rise too many times during her wait and had already caused her to dry heave more than once. Followed by vigorous brushing and mouthwash to quell the odor, just in case she was wrong and Bianca did show.

Then in the thirteenth hour of her ordeal, she heard the one sound that could bring both happiness and a new sense of dread to her heart. A car’s tires crushing and making their way towards her door. She rose slowly, grasping the window frame, her eyes fixated on the approaching dust, kicked up by the car’s tires. Then she saw the black BMW burst through the cloud of dust, as if in slow motion. Her heart racing and pounding in both her throat and ears, until the car stopped suddenly and the one woman Maggie most wished to see stepped out looking every bit the vision she both remembered and longed for. Bianca then closed the door to her car and stood staring at Maggie both frozen in time and with the quandary - who would greet who?

But Maggie broke first and ran from her bay window, pulled open her front door and rushed to Bianca - stopping just inches from her, not wanting to overstep her bounds. And there they stood, Maggie in her jeans, sneakers and winter sweater. And Bianca with her designer sunglasses, thigh high black boots, black wool skirt and black leather jacket topped off with her white silk scarf, tossed elegantly around her long, white neck. She stood there, a vision taking what little breath Maggie still had away.

Bianca removed her glasses and proceeded to grin at the doctor, “So Stone, now that you’ve got me here you’re out of words. Did you use them all up in your letter, or can I get a hello?”

“Uh huh - I mean hello - I mean welcome - oh shit, this isn’t going the way I planned. I’m sorry Bianca, but you’re so - God damn beautiful. How the F**k do you do that at our age?”

“Good genes, Stone, after all did you ever see a day where my Mother ever look her age?” Bianca said with a grin.

Bianca hadn’t seen Maggie this flustered in years and she had to admit it made her laugh. It reminded her of the young woman she fell in love with back in Pine Valley. It also made her more at ease about her decision to come. Five minutes had already passed and not one snide remark or sarcastic jab had been lobbed by either of them, at least not yet. Plus she couldn’t remember the last time Maggie looked at her so adoringly.

“Let me help you with your bags,”

“Thanks Maggie,”

Bianca popped the trunk and grabbed her small bag while Maggie took the two larger ones. The brunette waited for Stone to make her usual remake about over packing, but Maggie just smiled and shook her head. It was these little consistencies of Bianca’s nature that brought a sense of calm to the blonde right now. The everyday things that were Bianca, made this situation feel right, and Maggie just wanted to embrace the familiarity of it, and Bianca as well. But that she knew or hoped would come later. No rushing, she kept repeating to herself, as she watched Bianca walk into the cabin, enjoying the elegant, graceful walk that was her lover’s.

Once they were both inside, Bianca studied the cabin, noticing immediately how much it felt like home and like Maggie. It was full of comfortable furniture, fun nick nacks from trips she had taken and a wonderful roaring fire in the large fireplace. But she also noticed not a picture or hint of Maggie’s Family - her other life. She wondered if Maggie had put them away or if this was a place only she used as a private get away. And if so, had she brought other women here to seduce and make love to. A thought that made Bianca’s blood cold and her body shiver suddenly. Something Maggie noticed immediately, but thought it due to the chill from the still open front door.

“I’m sorry B, let me close the door then you won’t feel so cold. I’ll take your bags to your room and join you for some hot cider by the fire, how does that sound?”

Bianca nodded her head, removing her jacket and tossing it on the back of a chair. She then knelt in front of the fire and stared blankly into the flames. Wondering what she had been thinking coming here and what was keeping her here now? Then she felt Maggie’s small hand on her shoulder, as she turned to see a steaming mug of cider being offered to her.

“This should take the chill off,” Maggie said with a smile.

Bianca took the offered mug and returned to staring at the fire.

Maggie sat Indian style on the floor beside her and nursed her own drink within her hands, but chose to stare at the brunette and not the flames.

“What has you looking so serious, B?” Maggie asked, wondering what had happened in the few minutes she had been gone to change Bianca’s mood.

“Where are all the family photos, Maggie? Are you afraid for me to see them? Or are there none because this is your love shack for your women?” Bianca asked pointedly on the last word with a death stare added for effect.

“What? No - no love shack, Bianca. I’ve never brought anyone here before today. This is mine - the only place I have to be alone with my thoughts and regrets. There’s been no one since you left…”

“What, you left Susan too?”

“Well no, but that wasn’t what you asked,”

“Are you telling me the truth, Maggie? I can’t do this - be here if you’re lying to me,”

“I swear on Miranda’s life, I have only been with my wife since that day. I tried so hard to forget you and let you go, Bianca. I tried to make Susan and our son happy and to be a good wife and mother. But all I’ve done is fail them and make all of us unhappy. I don’t have their pictures here because it hurts too much to have them around. I don’t deserve them or their love.”

“Maggie, I’m so sorry. God I’m not even here an hour and already I’m accusing you and doubting you. I shouldn’t have come.” Bianca said, getting up to leave.

“No, Bianca, please - please stay. I better than anyone knows how hard it is for old habits to die. But I also know I love you and I want to be with you and make you happy. I want to be the partner and lover you wanted to grow old with, Bianca, before I messed it all up out of fear and stupidity. Please Bianca - please stay and let us at least try and make it work this time. Let’s talk and be honest about everything that has kept us apart for too long and see if we can love each other without all the hurt and pain. Please!”

“Ok” she said her eyes full of regret for the harsh accusations she had made. Then she made a nervous half grin and asked, “I need to use your bathroom first, if that’s ok? It was a long ride,”

Maggie breathed a sigh of relief and put both hers and Bianca’s mugs down on the hearth, before she took Bianca’s hand and led her to the bathroom, where she waited outside the door and they began their talk. After the bathroom break they returned to their seats before the fire and continued their talk.

Following hours of talking, soul searching and endless tears the two of them finally hugged and decided a meal would be a wonderful idea. Feeling both drained and dehydrated from the cathartic experienced they had just shared.

The meal was simple and delicious, but best of all was the ease and renewed calm that existed between them now. It was as if time had been kind and taken them back to when they were young, in love and nothing but the two of them existed. But in reality it was far better, for all the old insecurities, fears, transgressions and failings were now gone. Laid to rest and replaced with the unadulterated happiness and love these two women had longed and prayed for in the wee hours of too many sleepless and lonely nights. They had found forgiveness and truth their new friend, and promised to never hurt or lie to one another and help each other through the ordeals their divorces were sure to bring. They also promised to be generous to their wives as a form of penance for what they had and would be putting them through.

After a few moments of silence, Bianca took Maggie’s hand, looked deep within her blonde lover’s eyes, “Maggie, please make love to me.”

“Cherie,” was all she said, as she cupped her lover’s face within her hands and tenderly kissed those warm lips she cherished. Then she led them both to her room.


They spent the weekend making mad, passionate love, laughing and acting like teenagers. Chasing each other through the house and having impromptu pillow fights that led to the sudden and amusing deaths of several of Maggie’s feather pillows. But their time was up and Bianca had to return home as did Maggie. The truly hard part for both of them lay ahead, but they knew without a doubt what they had found again was worth fighting for.

Bianca had finished dressing and was trying to shake off a cramp she had in her left arm. Something that had started a few weeks ago, perhaps longer; and she was growing weary of the annoyance. She then tossed her final items in her travel bag and exited the bathroom. Finding her lover still naked and lounging in their bed. Maggie hearing the door open turned on her side and smiled at her lover.

"Ah, there you are. I thought you fell in,”

“Very funny, aren’t you going to dress and walk me to my car?”

“I’ll toss a robe on and slippers, your car is just outside. Besides I’m planning a long nap once you leave,”

“Oh, did I wear you out baby?”

“Yes you did and how I love you for it. Speaking of wearing out, you’re not looking all that well, B. I think you should stay the night and rest. I promise to let you sleep," Maggie stated with very real concern.

"Not likely, when have you ever let me sleep if I'm in your bed? It’s that lack of sleep that has given me this appearance of death you see, Stone," she answered with a smirk.

"Seriously, Mags, I'll be fine. I'm just tired. I haven't slept well for weeks, but I will sleep much better now, knowing this will be resolved soon. No more lying to Tash will lift a huge weight. And as much as I know it's going to hurt her, at least I can be honest with her for the first time in our marriage. You have no idea how good that will feel."

"I beg to differ,"

"Yes, right, well then you do know. So worry not, my love, I will be better soon. I promise. Now please help me with getting my bags to the car. That much help I will accept from you, Doctor Stone."

The bags were stored in the trunk and Bianca safely buckled in for her drive back to the city. Maggie stood by the driver's side door, leaning over and staring into her love's eyes one last time before she left.

"You drive safely, Montgomery, and if you get tired pull over. I've waited too long to get you back, I don't want anything to happen to you now,"

"Stop being such a worry wart, Maggie, nothing is going to happen to me. God would never be so cruel."

"Please Binks; we both know that's not true."

"You're going to grow old with me, Stone, that's a promise. Now kiss me and then get back inside before you freeze to death."

The blonde kissed her, each saying they loved the other as Maggie cradled Bianca’s beautiful face in her hands before she let go and stepped back from the car. She waved goodbye and fought off a chill, hugged her upper body and returned to the warmth of her home, once she had seen the car pull out of sight.

Bianca smiled, lost in thoughts of the life she and her love would finally have, with Miranda being a large part of that. Her daughter would finally have her two mothers back and living as one. She smiled content in the knowledge her daughter wanted this as much as she and Maggie did. The brunette shook her head thinking of how stupidly both she and Maggie had acted all these years. Wasting so much time, but soon - soon they would have it all.

She drove quickly down the mountain road; lost in her thoughts and enjoying the mountain view when, quite suddenly, a sharp pain ran up her left arm. This one proving to be so much worse than the others had been.

She cried out NO begging God to help her. But that’s when the next pain came, as it shot through her chest like a massive anvil knocking her back against the seat, the car beyond her control and careening over 80 MPH towards a clump of trees.

Everything was jumbled in her mind, her foot, pressed down on the gas even harder due to the pain, as the car smashed head on into the trees. The airbags burst all around her, cradling her pain drenched body. The pain, so excruciating, she was barely aware of the accident. Her mind struggling to comprehend all that had happened.

Maggie! She cried out, hoping against hope her love would hear her plea and come to save her. Her right hand searched desperately for her cell phone, but nothing was where it should be. Faint, blurred vision and labored breaths - her heart raced beyond all reason and control. Her mind confused with thoughts of her daughter, Tash and Maggie as she prayed for the pain to stop; while knowing if it did, so would her life.

Then her mind began to see flashes of memories, Miranda’s birth, that pain and this running together. Bianca reaching out for her child, remembering the agony of the loss when she thought her baby dead. The joy of her return and the pride for the young woman she had become. She was certain this was all a dream and Miranda was safe and she would see her when she woke.

Then another shot of pain slammed into her, tears clouded her visions as she griped her chest. She tried valiantly to calm herself, to slow her breathing and her heart, but the attack was too massive, too brutal for her to control.

Her heart pounded in her chest and ears like a loud drum, as she screamed out at last in frustration, panic and total fear begging God and Maggie to save her. But the cries came to a sudden end as her breathing stopped when her throat clutched - her eyes were wide with pain, then began to flutter. Maggie! She cried out once more, this time so faint she wasn't sure the words had escaped her lips. She gasped, clutching her chest again - one last breath exhaled as her life left her body. Her brown eyes, once so radiant were empty now. With nothing but an empty silence filling the air.


Maggie sat before her fireplace, her mind racing with conflicted thoughts of happiness and dread. The future with Bianca was sure now, but her conversation with Susan would be full of heartbreak and pain for both of them. She loved her wife and son, but her love and need for Bianca was stronger than anything. She hoped her loving wife wouldn't punish her by keeping their son from her. She couldn't even fathom Sues being like that, but if it happened she would have no one to blame but herself.

Maggie's thoughts then switched to her concern for Bianca driving the long five hour trip back from Chamonix to Paris. Wondering how much longer it would be before Binks called her from her cell and said she was home. Maggie knew Bianca wouldn't heed her warning to drive slower. The brunette always drove fast no matter the time of year or place.

A loud knock sounded at her door, interrupting her thoughts. She smiled believing Bianca had changed her mind and driven back to stay with her for the night, and perhaps longer. She raced to the door and opened it; enthusiastically calling out, "Darling I knew..."

But her greeting halted when she saw not Bianca, but a very somber policier standing before her.

"Doctor Stone, is it not?"


"I'm terribly sorry to disturb your evening, but can you tell me do you know a Bianca Montgomery?"

She tried to speak, but nothing came, and she nodded her head yes.

"I see. Doctor, I'm afraid there has been a tragic accident with your friend. It appears she lost control of her car, not far from here. And while the accident was not the cause, I'm sorry to inform you, but Madame Montgomery died..."

Madame Montgomery died...that would be the last cognitive thoughts Maggie processed from the man's lips. She stood dazed as he attempted to continue.

"...before her car was found. Our doctor tells us it appears to have been a massive heart attack. They believe it caused her to lose control of her car."

As he spoke, Maggie could sense her legs giving out beneath her - her ears ringing incessantly. Her head filled with the growing white noise as the room appeared to close around her; like a camera lense fading to black. And black was indeed all she saw, just before her petite body crumpled to the floor.

At first there was nothing - nothing but black, empty darkness. Even the ringing noise had stopped. Maggie was disoriented - confused - lost, than she heard the officer’s anxious voice again, trying to draw her back from the recent abyss. But both her mind and body fought against the words - words that were growing louder and more insistent.

"Doctor Stone, can you hear me? Wake up Doctor. Damn, I knew I should have brought a woman officer to help me with this. Doctor, please,"

Her mind tried to warn her not to wake; it would only lead to a pain too deep to bear. Her body mirrored the warning as it struck a fetal pose. She covered her ears, nothing - nothing, no more words. She couldn't handle what they had to impart. Make it stop, it wasn't true. It couldn't be.

It took great force, but the officer pried Maggie's hands from her ears. Her eyes opened in horror, seeing this harbinger of death still before her - he still holding her wrist so tight she thought they might snap. Then her lips parted. The frozen look of complete horror within her eyes bore holes in the officer. And a shrill, agonizing shriek of excruciating pain erupted from Maggie's lips. A sound so terrible the officer released his grip, throwing his body back from the Doctor, huddled and covered his ears from her cries.

The man eventually ran from the cabin and called for help. A doctor and female office arrived. They sedated the now comatose Maggie and took her to a nearby hospital.

Once she regained consciousness they explained how they had found her, due to the letter and directions in Bianca’s purse. But that they had no information on next of kin so they hoped Maggie would ID the body.

She sat stoically and listened to it all, but heard little. She did tell them Bianca was married and had a daughter. Giving them the information needed to reach them. She then went to the morgue and attempted to ID the body, but upon seeing Bianca she once again collapsed and had to be taken back to her room and sedated once again.

The next day she checked herself out and returned to her family. Saying nothing of what had happened to her wife or child.


Natasha and Miranda stood side-by-side before Bianca's grave; the casket waiting to be lowered into the cold winter ground. Natasha appeared distracted, looking to her right and left as if she were waiting for someone to arrive who wasn't already there. Miranda knew who, but was hesitant to speak, hoping against hope Natasha was wrong. Dreading some gothic smack down over her mother's grave, between Natasha and Maggie Stone.

"Natasha, she's not here," the young woman finally said.

"She will be. You know she will. She can't help but come, anymore then I would, if it were me," was all Natasha offered as an answer.

Then she felt it, that all too familiar feeling of being watched. She was here - watching from behind them, but here none the less.

The priest said the final prayers and asked if anyone cared to say a few words, but all remained silent. What was left to be said? Bianca died too young, under mysterious circumstances. Leaving more questions than answers behind that would go unanswered, at least for the majority of those in attendance for her final farewell.

Natasha and Miranda stood quietly, as each guest gave their condolences and left the two women to morn in private, once the others left.

Natasha took hold of Miranda's arm, squeezed it gently saying, "Go to her, mimo. You've waited your entire life to see her again. Go and be with her. I will stay here with your mother. We both need time to say goodbye."


"No sweetheart, I'm fine. You need each other now. You're her final link to Bianca,"

Miranda and Natasha turned and saw the small framed blonde walking towards her car, hunched over from the cold and her grief.


Miranda hugged Natasha and ran after Maggie. She caught up to her just as the blonde approached her car.

Miranda tapped Maggie on the shoulder, than the two stood and stared, unsure what to do next. Finally Miranda hugged her, as Maggie stood frozen at first, both her body and mind unprepared for this. Then she seemingly melted into her long lost daughter's arms; joining Miranda in her tears and grief.

Natasha, meanwhile, knelt before her wife's casket, rested her forehead on the cold shell; her hands clutching it for support. It was now time for her and Bianca to share their final goodbyes.


"movement in still life" series, amc, fan fiction, bianca

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