"ChristianGateFan Strikes Again!"

May 15, 2009 17:04

And the insanity just keeps going, and going, and goooing...

  • 17:04 Felt worse today than yesterday. I think it's some kind of mild stomach flu meant to drive me insane...and I still had to go to school...grr #
  • 17:05 @ dannysgirlsg1: Thanks! *hugs* Fun to be back. *grin* Except for the being sick part. :P #
  • 17:07 Ticked off; can't have my copious amounts of ice cream, chocolate & coffee, cause it would screw up my stomach MORE. I'm going insane. SHOW! #
  • 17:08 @ jonrock: YAY......! Wait, why am I cheering? Ah. Yes. You and your Xbox. :P LOL have fun. #
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