For what's right.

Oct 05, 2006 20:38

We live, we love, we forgive and never give up, because the days we are given are gifts from above and today we remember to live and to love.

I have an issue that is bothering me to the point of serious anger.

People tell you when you're young that one choice will change your life.

What they don't tell you is how your choices can make or break someone else's life.

Heroes start with a making a choice. We all have the chance to be a hero, and one day we'll all be given that chance. The important thing is to take a hold of what's given to you - don't sit back and close your eyes. Make a choice! Be the voice! Pick a goddamn side. Don't just keep walking by because you don't want to intervene; because you want to exist and never be seen. Save a life. Change the world. Your time will come. Will you know what to do with it when it's given to you?

Well, you better. Because our time is now.

We've been trying to fix the problems in our schools by adding metal detectors and extra guards that stand as if they have "Never Again" etched on their badges. Don't treat this like a genocide of innocence! That's looking in the wrong direction. Don't start with the school, don't look to the family, don't blame the kids. Pointing fingers relieves guilt, but it only buries the hurt and shock for the next inevitable instance where little Jeff walks through the school door with his father's .44 and blows himself to release, dragging the reluctant few screaming with him. Or the next time another Joey decides to hang himself. Yeah, I said it.

Who expected that? If you say you did, you damn well should've done something about it.

WAKE. UP. We let things like this happen and console ourselves by saying, "Well, it wasn't our fault. It wasn't our problem." THIS IS OUR PROBLEM. All of us just sit back and watch it happen, thinking it's not our responsibility to solve a problem that doesn't involve us. Yeah, well, this is just one of the scenarios where you choose to sit back, close your eyes and ignore the choice. If we be the voice, how many lives will be changed? Saved?

The truth is, people, our time for choices is now. I've picked my side. I just want to know,

Have you picked yours?

death, pain, guns, life, hurt, violence, society

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