Title: The despair of Lelouch-kaichou and the distress of Anya
Series: Code Geass
Rating/Warning(s): spoilers until R2 13, Rated T
Genre: Romance/Humor (or at least an attempt!)
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Lelouch, AnyaxGino, Rivalz, and many other mentioned and joked about.
Author's Notes: July's flashfic challenge T___T I am aware of the posting date. For
austere_flare who I hope will forgive the lateness and basks in the (hopefully) funny story! And here's to them not being OOC!
Summary: In between battles and festivals, Lelouch finds just how much work the council president is responsible for. Anya finds herself in a pinch that she can't handle. Sometimes things are simply what they seem, no hidden meaning needs to be found on the cinammon rolls.
Lenght: 3500~ and some words
Humour me... )
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