
Jan 08, 2006 00:16

It's 12am Sunday where I am, so here comes another week.

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Comments 136

commander_bitch January 8 2006, 05:29:49 UTC
Yesh. Okay well. Since vacation, I have been a sort of rut with Yzak on ideas and playing him generally. And while it scares the hell out of me that I'm not having as fun as him as opposed to recently Jona and Tolle, I'm trying to get out of this rut. This is for various reasons along with I'm still rather "argh" over some stuff with him u_u, but I'd really appreciate any old or new comments for Yzak.

Anyway, this week, Yzak came back from his vacation and immediately got angry at Nishi who installed new locks on the door. Regarding the same thing, he commented on Dearka's little joke on Nishi. And today he got a chessboard for the onsen, had a game with Evangeline, snarked at Nishi a bit, and told Anakin he'd teach him how to play.

Tolle, dear God I hope we get a Miri soon because Tolle finally met Fllay, who pretty much smacked him in the face with the "YOU ARE DEAD" thing. Right now he still doesn't want to believe he's dead, so he dot dot dotted at the end, because he's scared of finding out what happened after he died in the ( ... )


number1idol January 8 2006, 10:53:17 UTC
XD We need to finish the game--we ran out to dinner and then I was booted off the computer, and I didn't leave an AFK message, so sorry I left you hanging. WE SHALL COMPLETE IT. Even though I suck at chess, geez.

I've already told you this, but I do love Yzak, both then and now. And I have the same problems sometimes--either looking back at old threads and thinking "Where the hell did my funny go?" or remembering something I had Chisame or Eva do (in fact, there's one big thing for each of them) that makes me CRINGE now--so you're not alone there, and I think it happens to all of us. But for what it's worth, I think Yzak is hilarious and consistent and makes as much sense as a character now as he ever did--and he always made sense to me and entertained me. I hope you can work through your rut!


commander_bitch January 8 2006, 10:59:04 UTC

But yesh. XD I so feel considerably better after bugging the channel with that question, but all the same. XD One big giganic GRAAWR and then I wish for a reset button that ONOEZ DOESN'T EXIST. XD

But yayz thanks! I want to too with him! Damn you RPing blocks! (i also just typed fapping instead of RPing wtf)


number1idol January 8 2006, 11:05:56 UTC

Fapping always helps with blockage--uh I mean whut.


eye_ofthetiger January 8 2006, 05:31:02 UTC
Okay, Kisa's been around a little.

What's up?


eye_ofthetiger January 11 2006, 06:21:31 UTC
If a person could be a godmoder of cute, you would be it. Does Kisa have any flaws, other than endearing vulnerability, which isn't really a flaw anyway? The character might be Mary Sueish in canon, but the universally-beloved preciousness is a bit much. Can anyone legitimately dislike her now, without being a villain or getting hamstrung by Wednesday?


eye_ofthetiger January 11 2006, 22:17:42 UTC
Well, hm. I'm not intentionally making her the camp darling (in fact, I personally find her too saccharine and even manipulative in the way she does it, but that's my own interpretation of it all). One of her biggest flaws is that she makes snap judgments about people -- judgments which get her into a bit of trouble (she bit Tohru wtf?). She's utterly convinced that Count D gave her her cat to manipulate her (and I should note that I am utterly unfamiliar with Count D's canon other than what I've been told by a friend, which was "Count D owns a petstore and has UST with Leon" ...whoever Leon is), and her interactions with him are as studied as she can make them. I'm not sure whether Kira likes her or not -- Kisa herself actually doesn't like him at all and is increasingly suspicious of anyone who actually does like him. She's also not convinced entirely that Kio isn't really a paedophile, nor that Omi isn't about to manipulate Haru to tell him about the curse. Additionally, Sanzo is sheer evil according to her, and she won't ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

ilpacock January 8 2006, 05:31:31 UTC
I HAD TO ALTER A PICTURE FOR IT but Ilpacock hit the onsen. Is he funny, you guys, or is he too deadpan? I guess he's kind of like... a third deluded world-conquerer-guy, a third asshole, and a third just plain weird, and I'm not sure if I'm quite hitting all my bases.

And Excel... hell if I remember what Excel did. She stalks the camp. ^^;;


classprotector January 8 2006, 05:40:42 UTC

Buffy killed Faith, nearly bled to death, and emoed about killing a person and betraying Bart and Kon, mainly. She and Kon mainly sorted it out, she's still worried about Bart. And now she's Yuusuke.

Anne met some people, talked to Cal, made some cakes that enabled body switching. Now she's Momo.

Chase is around? Sort of? He does things. I swear.



thestudyofbirds January 8 2006, 06:19:13 UTC
Tobias ran around genderswitched for a bit, turned into Jonathan Brandis because hey, he actually looks like Tobias's book description, and just now bodyswitched with Hatsuharu.

...And now that I have my computer back and in working order, I'll actually be around more to play.


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