Jul 27, 2004 13:24
By the time I have time to finish my "How I Spent My CFTC Weekend" everyone else will have posted! But it's all good I suppose.
I tried so hard to catch pictures of Chris and Lance and JC in and around the pool and because of the camera not lining up right I missed practically everything I aimed at! Those Solaris cameras are tricky bastards to operate when one is excited! Most of my pictures are crap and if anyone has any clear shots of Lance and Shannon Elizabeth in the pool or JC and Chris on the side of the pool, I will trade copies of a couple of shots of JC in the pool without the bandana for them...please?
Must dash...the cat fountain is gurgling ominously and I have to be back to work in twenty minutes and I must have cherry coke! Need cherry coke to face the paper on my desk...
I agree with Dickens...it was the best of times, it was the worst of times...