Nov 04, 2005 00:51
Wow, I am actually updating my journal....sweet dude. Just to clear up some shit, I AM IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM A BUM LOSER STUDENT. Yes, I have drank and gotten wasted to the point of pass out. Yes, I smoked but stopped. Yes, I smoked marijuana, but thats not going to happen again, ever. I understand that some people are mad at me or dissapointed in me, espescially ones that mean the most to me(Mom and Dad, and a certain teacher if somone truly did blaber their mouth). I can't change the past and yes I am sorry for the smoking of both substances, but its in the past. Im over it! I'm still the same chubby bunny, I will always be the chubby bunny, even after all the weight im losing.
In lighter news, college is a lot of fun, I have my schedule for next semester and its hectic. 8 classes and only 15 hours, got to love being a music major. Im really excited about the progression of my voice, its already changed quite a bit since high school, I can sing way louder and frankly better. I can now hit B's just about any time of the day, including when I get out of bed, ya, i did it and woke up some neighbors, and I can even top out at a D when im warmed up. Things are looking great, I cant wait till I improve even more.
I found a really awesome group of friends and possibly a new roomate for next semester. Im also about to find a steady girlfriend, well we are dating right now and... I guess I will have to wait to see what comes of it. Im really excited about this weekend, Elliott is coming up and the duo is back in town....women be ready!
Well guys so long for now, it was great updating, I will have to try and do it more often.
P.S.-Im finally learning guitar and piano, my friend Hayden called me a natural at Piano, I laughed and called him a retard. I could sense his sarcasm.
Peace out, Keep it Holy!