May 30, 2007 22:21
Today was an emotional day for the people there. I heard what one doctor said to Sammy and I,and then at the end of the day I heard what the pulmonologist said to Julia. It is and has been confusing and an emotional rollercoaster for all. The last conversation with the pulmonologist was that there is a slight improvement on the x-ray, why we were told ther wasn't I do not know. He said he did not know if Stephie will make it and he does not know if she won't only God knows and he is willing to keep trying. Steph rests well with the i.v. ativan so that is good. I have had 3 days with her and I am glad. I know the family is very grateful for the book thet received from a reader and I will go back and see who it was, but Thank you for the book it has helped Julia and she reads it to Steph every night. I will post more tomorrow, Jackie