Note to self- don't get into a tanning after drinking intoxicating beverages. I'm now really really tanning bed burnt. Guess what everyone! i finally got a new car! i was so tired of driving the pimptastic probe.the only thing tho is its a mommy mobile.. and it looks something like this actually thats exactly what it looks like.. on top of that i lost my cell phone.. so guess what that means.. I GET A NEW ONE!! YAY! its a good thing that i have insurance on it cuz its only going to cost me $50. my number should stay the same so tomorrow everyone.. and i mean everyone.. even if you have given me your # should call me and if i dont answer leave a message. if you're a girl you should definetely leave it in a french maid accent.. and greatly turn me on... hehe j/k. btw i bought a straylight run shirt the other day and its pretty. i prolly wont be updating much for the next few days. for some reason my stepdad thinks the computer is evil and stole the monitor. THE FUCKING MONITOR! i couldnt believe it. on top of that i looked around the house and couldnt find it, but then saw it in his truck.. so that bastard isdriving around with my damn computer screen in his truck.. tuesday night when we were supposed to have all of those storms i fell asleep in my bed and he came up in my room and asked if i was on drugs.. and i said "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. My name is Chris Finney. I live at 8301 Clayton Rd Springville Al 35146. My SSN is 423 82 3298. My bank account # is 4565 4976 4852 1654. It expires on july 07. and the other number is 391. Would you like for me to say my ABC's backwards for you?" which he replies, "Can you?" "ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA." "Wow thats impressive." any ways. i think im about to leave my sisters house and go to brookwood mall and spend some more money. i bought another belt buckle last night. its an accoustic guitar. its pretty freakin sweet.