Has anyone tried infrared heat lamps for treating pain and stiff muscles? I currently have
this little beastie, which I don't use much as it's awkward having to sit in front of it for back pain and it doesn't treat a large area. However, I just fished it out in desperation as I have really horrible pain from earache (despite being doped up on painkillers), it's helping considerably, and that prompted me to look into them further. I'm now looking with interest at a
larger version which can be used lying down. Has anyone tried anything like this? Have you tried it in conjunction with massage, in particular? My partner and I always mean to give each other massages, but it rarely happens and neither of us is up to giving decently long massages. However, anything that could increase the power of a mini-massage would be handy. I'm also wondering if it could be helpful for migraine, where you could just curl up in front of it and blast it at the head and shoulder region.