Oxygen? What is CFS?

May 28, 2007 16:40

My Uncle's naturopath friend who claims she helped many patients by hooking them up to some machine that reads everything going on in your body, & everything that's gone on in the past (anyone else heard of anything like this?) has told my uncle to tell me that she has jsut completely turned around a CFS patients health with an 'oxygen based liquid'.

I am unable to get to the naturopath for the asessment she'd like to do. But my uncle of his own accord asked her to order some for me to try. Sounds like bullshit, right?

But then I was reading my info pack from the CFS/ME society of Victoria.. & an article in there says that many cfs patients, when rushed to hospital by ambulance because of chest pains (I get them.. I know it's the CFS though), feel 'wonderful' & 'amazing' when they're put on oxygen. Anyone else had this experience?


I don't know the name of it or anything, but I'll let you know how it goes. Just have to keep remembering.. there's no cure.

Obviously none of us know.. but we'd all have our opinions? It really bothers me that this thing is in my body &.. ruining my life right now, but I don't know what's causing it & what's going to happen next. Or, how it's happening.

Personally, I don't think CFS is one illness. I think that it is a group of illnesses that will one day be individually defined. For now, CFS is given to patients presenting a range of symptoms, some people have one half of the symptoms while others have the opposite half.. it doesn't make sense to me. Also, if it was all the same illness, wouldn't there be a bit more consistency in the treatments that we find helpful? & our symptoms? Or is it jsut a case of depends on the severity..

PS. Still no response from sureslim.. but I haven't seen the ad again..

alternative therapy, theories, drugs, naturopath

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