CHARACTERS: Larxene, Cloud
SUMMARY: Larxene wonders if she fell asleep drunk or died in a wind tunnel, and later wonders why "Roxas" is wandering around these parts.
PLACE: Just outside the lift~
TIME: March 30 'round nightfall
WARNINGS: Cloud molestation Flirtatious attitude and maybe a teensy swear or two.
The last memory that Larxene had when she was alive was being absorbed by darkness and a strange, cold sensation seeping through her skin and deep into her empty shell of a body. She didn't even have the chance to scream back then, and she found that as her body lurched violently forward her voice ran up her throat and in a split second escaped in a rather high pitched squeal. Panting wildly, she shakily put one foot in front of the other, not quite sure as to where she was going, and held a hand to her temples when she heard a soft thud behind her.
The two blonde tendrils atop her head bobbed as she turned her head and spotted a door. How strange. And it was so...quiet. Larxene never enjoyed silence, and to fade into quiet darkness and reappear in this--this place of silence almost felt deafening. She was breathing, she was certainly able to see, and just as usual she could not feel.
"This place gives me the creeps," she muttered under her breath, straightening her back and crossing her arms over her chest as she surveyed her unfamiliar surroundings for anyone familiar.