CHARACTERS: Fate, Saguru Hakuba
SUMMARY: Arming up for Assassin!
PLACE: The shopping area on one of the recreational tiers.
TIME: Current time and date.
WARNINGS: ...None that I know of.
Assassin was starting soon, and Fate still hadn't acquired a suitable weapon. She was used to using a staff and magic, not close-ranged weapons. That was how Nanoha fought, to an extent. I doubt it will do me much good with someone who fights at close range. She was still clinging to the hope that this was some terrible mix-up, hoping that Admrial Harlaown would clear things up- even sitting and waiting for her sentence, whatever it was, would be better than being here. At least there, she knew what was in store for her, or had a very good idea.
At least there, she had Arf to talk to. Here... she knew nobody, except in a sort of awkward way, because they'd only met once in person. There was nobody to tell her what to fill her days with, so she defaulted back to something she'd done with Arf a few times, back when she was under Precia's care.
Training. The game one of the other residents had proposed reminded her sharply of training, and she was far from unwilling to participate when it was put in that light. She tied her hair up in her usual pigtails, heading to where she'd heard most of the 'extra' shopping, beyond simple groceries and day-to-day needs were covered. The young blonde looked up and down the selection of items, her dark eyes serious as she weighed her options. She went for a foam bat, going for a secondary weapon of a foam dart gun. She was used to ranged combat, even if she would have to practice with the dart gun.
It would be a good thing for me to be flexible. If I were seated with an unfamiliar device, not Bardiche, I would be in trouble if I didn't practice... this is the same basic concept. She purchased the items, resolving to get some paper and pens, and thumbtacks, so she could at least practice hitting a target with her new ranged weapon. It wasn't like magic, where a focused, but small bolt could be controlled by a mage's mind. The young mage twirled her bat absently.