Jul 30, 2012 08:37
Three great blue herons flew out of the fog by the churchyard this morning. They slowly circled the field and headed for the brook.
I've only seen them one at a time before (except in their nesting grounds) so was surprised to watch them fly together. Surprised and awed. It made me think of Annie Dillard and her statement about "one show to a customer". These moments in nature are a gift.
A juvenile yellow-bellied sapsucker landed on the apple trees when I got home.
A pair of Carolina wrens trekked back and forth across my backyard yesterday.
A hummingbird flitted from the apple trees to the willows to the flowers, pausing to sit on on a wisp of willow.
I enjoy these moments. I look forward to the next surprise nature sends my way.
I only wish I had a camera.