I am visiting my mom in the hospital. I have with me a service dog. My dog is (mostly) Chocolate Lab, so she's fairly good-sized. She's wearing a vest identifying her as a service dog. And she's trained to ignore distractions, so she's pretty bombproof.
I'm in the elevator. It stops, and a Duh (with a giant SUV stroller) gets on. Moo, of course, is not far behind. She has an infant with her-- maybe 4 or 5 months old.
We are in a confined space and Moo leans over, with her infant, and starts screeching in a high-pitched voice, "Oooooh, look at the doggie". She has her kid *inches* from my dog.
I move my dog out of the way as much as I can (I'm afraid that the kid will puke on the dog or something). Duh had the sense to be embarrassed and got his wife off at the next floor. I was pissed-- because it felt like an intrusion more than anything. My girl's a service dog, not a pet, and it feels like a violation of my space when people come up and pet her without asking.
But who the fucking fuckety fuck puts an infant into the face of a strange dog? In a small space like an elevator, yet?
The moo didn't even acknowledge my presence-- just assumed that the nice doggy was there for the benefit of her sprog, which isn't even old enough to recognize what it was being pointed at.
Much later-- it occurred to me that *I* should have barked, really loudly, and then when Moo jumped back in terror, told her that that was the likely result of putting her kid in a strange dog's face.
Idiot. It pissed me off for hours afterwards, too.
(Oh, and my dog ignored the baby. Just like I would have, had I been alone. So maybe moo was babystalking the dog! That would take a special kind of desperation, wouldn't it?)
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