Jan 30, 2006 14:11
It snowed in istanbul.
in New York it's about 18 degrees C.
The weather is insane. What is going to happen? Obviously, the world is changing from the way it was when I was younger. Some changes I expected: prices change, clubs change, hairstyles--except for psychvenus--go through phases. I did not expect to wear a tee shirt and shorts in the middle of the winter in new york ever.
I can't believe that people aren't already adjusting their lifestyles and their consumption to reflect what their eyes and fingers should be telling them quite clearly. The climate is changing, its changing into something new, and there are going to be significant problems as a direct result.
I watch people driving over the bridges in istanbul. I almost always car pool. I almost always count several hundred cars with only one occupant. It is frigging ridiculous.
I watch people driving here in new york. i almost always see people by themselves in their car. Its frigging ridiculous.
How many people leave the lights on? How many use a halogen light bulb, burning tons of energy, for a situation that a compact flourescent could be just fine? You can get Compact Flourescent bulbs in almost any spectrum now: daylight, bright white, whatever you want. I understand that you might need the brightness of a halogen to read or whatever, but do you really need so many watts to illuminate a room in which you're watching television or a movie? I have for years violated this rule, using 200w halogen outside floodlights to illuminate my room, but it's got to change.
How much extra heat do we use? Do you leave your LCD monitor on standby? I did, at least until this morning. Never again! (oh wait, i think I left it on when I left the house. well, i will change this habit.)
I guess this pointless rant is me trying to say that talking about how concerned we are about global warming is one thing: doing the concrete and minor adjustments necessary in our lives is another.
No more shopping bags. No more leaving lights turned on. Public Transport whenever possible. Less Garbage.
But I'm still going to be a beer swilling short haired reactionary anti hippie if i can manage.