Sep 20, 2013 15:05
And by 'like cooking', I mean 'abuse my power as a sentient being to make combinations of the unwitting ingredients'.
I had a dream last night that I was back in college. But let's never mind the fact that my dorm roommates were my roommate that hated me plus two boys and all that awkwardness, let's look at what the university catering service cooked up for us in our room's own private buffet line.
Dango. Rolls. A whole bunch of tiny dango balls rolled up in... an edible membrane of some kind... like peas in a pod. With a reddish sort of sauce lightly applied/worked in. With a choice of two other sauces to eat it with. As far as I know, it was a completely stupid made-up idea but also really delicious-looking. I woke up before our server came back to give me some.
I want to eat it.
I have a dango recipe.
I can re-create this monstrosity.
With enough research and tests, I can do it.
I'm gonna do it.
-Red sauce may have been something like sweet red bean
-Membrane was white-or-tan-colored, and had wrinkles/ridges to hold sauce (wild guesses: fried tofu, egg roll wrappers, ...)
-One sauce was gray-brownish and reminded me of sausage gravy???