I'm nearly an old fart by now and most memes, quizzes, and tests have long lost their luster. But this really surprised me.
1. Think of a blank white room. How big is it? What shape is it?
It’s about 15x15’, nearly square but not quite.
2. Think of a cube in the room. How big is it? Where is it in relation to the room? What color is it? What does it look like? Is it floating, slightly elevated, or on the ground?
It’s about 4x4x4’, slightly floating nearest the northeast corner. I can’t decide if it’s red or blue.
3. Think of flowers. How many are there? Where are they in the room
They are all over the floor, growing thick and tall and yellow like a field.
4. Think of a horse. What type of horse is it? Where is it in the room? How big is it? Describe it in three words.
Probably American Quarterhorse, normal size? It’s peeking its head in through a hole in the wall, either a window or door. Perhaps its front feet are in the room. It’s still, black-eyed, probably tired.
5. Think of a storm. Where is it? Describe it.
Brewing to the southwest. The prevailing winds may or may not blow it this way. Lots of rain, some lightning. Beautifully shaped thunderheads.
6. Think of a ladder. Where is it? How big is it? Describe it.
I threw it out and away. I didn’t want a ladder, and it was too big, it messed up the flowers.
1. The blank white room is mainly meant to clear your mind of all thoughts or start you out for visualizing the rest of these. It also represents how big the world / your life is to you. If the room is empty / full / has some furniture or whatever shows how much you think you have in your life, etc. Other things up for interpretation.
2. The cube represents you. If it’s on the ground, it means you see yourself as equals or sometimes below others. If it’s elevated it means you see yourself as sometimes above others or sometimes equal. If it’s raised it means you see yourself as above others. Colors are up for interpretation and I don’t feel like explaining the general guidelines.
3. The flowers represent your friends and how many you have and how close they are to the cube means how close you like them to be to you.
4. The horse is your significant other. The three words describe or relate to the type of person they are.
5. The storm represents problems in your life. The size of the storm represents the amount or severity of these problems. The placement of it to the cube or the room represents how close you keep the problems to yourself or if you shove them away.
6. The ladder represents your goals. The size of it represents how hard they are to reach (short = normal; tall = difficult). The placement whether it’s high up or on the ground, etc represents how much you care about it.