I'm so bored with German grammar. Time for another session of Anna's Aimless Questions. If it is your wish that I may geistig gesund bleiben and not ganz verrückt werden, please respond with any of the following that may interest you:
- a few of your most-loved scents
- A fictional or historical personage you would like to date, marry, and/or have a brief mad fling with
- a game or toy you loved as a child
- basil, freshly-ground coffee beans, cinnamon, sunscreen, rain on concrete, old books, warm cotton, cedar, lavender, old fur, toast, onions frying in olive oil and garlic
- I'm reading Liza Dalby's The Tale of Murasaki at the moment, and I could most definitely go for being added to Murasaki Shikibu's small, select collection of lovers as set forth in that book. Also recently finished a book called Sor Juana's Second Dream about Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz, which was written with a startlingly similar structure to Liza Dalby's book (the imagined life story of a real, somewhat mysterious female writer constructed around her existing poetry). Badly written book, but I've got such a huge crush on the historical woman that I don't care. So yes... affair with Sor Juana, followed by marriage to Lady Murasaki. That should about do it for me at the moment.
- Last night when it was raining I was reminiscing about the thrilling game my brother and I used to play, on the rare occasions that it rained a lot in Los Angeles. When we were little, the rain gutters around the roof of our house used to leak in many different places. We would go outside carrying armfuls of bowls and pots and tupperware and set them under the leaks. The goal was to run around collecting the tupperwares as they filled up with water, before they overflowed, and to dump them into a larger container. When the big container was full, we would lug up to the top of the driveway (a pretty steep hill) and dump it down. Once or twice we tried to float boats on the stream, but it didn't work well. It was a frantic, fast-paced game when it was raining hard enough -- incredibly exhausting, and so much fun that I can't even really begin to describe it. Once we got to tired to keep going, we'd go and demand that cocoa be made, then run a hot bath and drink the cocoa WHILE sitting in the bath. (The height of decadence. Really.) I was very sad when the leaky gutters got replaced, otherwise I might try and kidnap a small child somewhere and see if I could resurrect some of the thrill of that game.