Nov 25, 2008 03:13
To all those that read this, I am in a bit of a bind and need some help. After a dismal attempt at trying to build my own PC for the past 2 years (getting the parts for such around xmas time as it were) I am basically turning in the towel for it. My current rig while it is decent, is such a mishmash of parts that the last time I took it to the repair shop to get it fixed, the techs were amazed the computer worked, the parts were 'incompatible' as it were.
Current specs being:
MSI PM8M3-V Motherboard with a Prescott LGA775 P4 HT 3.40 ghz processor
2 Gigs of Kingston Hyper RAM
1 30 gig EIDE HD
1 500 gig EIDE HD
EVGA Nvidia GeForce 7600 GS 256 MB 8x AGP card
Sound Blaster Audigy SE card
It did play Spore for about a week, before it kept giving me a black screen then desktop, won't even get past the title screen for Warhammer Online so I just canceled the account for it, I get driver errors when trying to play any game by SOE or that of LOTRO, and I have lag issues in playing both City of Heroes or WoW Wrath of Lich King. (and yes I play a lot of MMOs) Explaining this all the to the shop people and with my parents we all agree that I just need a new computer to get it over with. One preferable prebuilt or store bought.
This is where I need help, father basically told me so long as I can give him something specific to buy he will get it for me as my xmas gift. I just don't know what to get or trust seeing he also told me I only have up to a 1500 dollar budget on it. (Besides I am not wanting to play Crysis here), I just want a decent gaming rig computer that will run something like Spore and still be decently upgradable. I am asking my friends if they might know any good gaming computer stores in which I could buy from or if they have done business with. I keep seeing so many conflicting reviews online, it is hard for me to choose.