[PUBLIC] friends cut.

Jun 16, 2009 20:33

So I've been on an friends-list-reading hiatus for a long time now. A little over a month. After a few weeks I constructed a filter of people I was very close to and have been reading that, but until today I hadn't read my regular, unfiltered friends list. I tried that today, and it was overwhelming and unpleasant. This has led me to make a decision I've been pondering for quite a long time now - I've done a massive friends cut. Not just a little one, a big one. If you were cut and are hurt/confused/pissed, here is a list of different reasons I decided to cut people: 1) The only thing we have in common is fandom X and we have never spoken of anything else. I am no longer interested in being active in any fandom, so this wouldn't be the basis for a very good relationship. 2) Your posts consist solely of Twitter updates. 3) You hardly ever post on your journal or comment on mine. 4) I've been skipping over your posts for months because the content doesn't particularly interest me.

I'm sorry to people I've recently friended in H_E friending memes for saying I wanted friends and then a few months later deciding I needed to cut down on friends. I hope you won't take it personally, because it's not. I didn't de-friend anyone because I have a personal problem with them. I'm sorry to anyone who's offended, this is just something I needed to do so I could feel like my friends list was manageable once more. I wish you all very happy internet lives, and if we meet again in some community somewhere I hope you will not hold this against me. You are all wonderful people.

All that being said, I'm officially returning from hiatus.
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