Aug 01, 2020 23:00
Been a while. After my laptop died not too long after my last post here, I ended up losing most of my free time to work and IRL obligations. As a result, I pretty much forgot about my account on here.
Much has happened in the 10 years that I've been away, much good and some not so good. Rather than dwell on the negatives, here are the positives:
>>I managed to pass the JLPT N1. It took a couple tries due to how difficult it was, but it felt like a huge ball of stress was lifted from my shoulders after I got the test results back saying I passed.
>>I got my manual driver's license. The actual driving portion wasn't bad, but the multiple choice test took a couple tries to pass. (You need at least 90 out of 100 points in order to pass. I was so close on the first try; I got an 84.)
>>My sister finally got married to her long-time boyfriend/fiancee in 2015. They had been together over 10 years before they finally tied the knot. Near the end of last year, they had their first child.
>>My youngest sister finally got married this year to her long-time boyfriend/fiancee. Thankfully, they were able to have their wedding just before cities/states started locking down to the pandemic.
>>I started doing game translation on a professional basis around 2015/2016. I haven't worked on too many titles since the current project I'm working on has had years worth of content released for it since it first went on sale, but I look forward to translating more once it's finished.
>>I decided to go back to school last year and get a degree in a health sciences-related field. While I had a bit of trouble keeping up with some of the content (it's been a long time since I last studied in a classroom), I managed to succeed in getting into the program. With the pandemic, it's hard to say how the classes will be held when the next semester starts up, but I'll find all that out when orientation happens.
I don't know how well I'll be able to keep my LiveJournal updated, especially after the next semester starts because my workload is going to be hectic, but I'll try harder to post much sooner than ten years from now. (I'll also try to keep the boring stuff to a minimum, but no guarantees since I'm an incredibly boring guy. lol)