FFTactics - Update 2

Apr 25, 2008 22:13

Been playing a lot of FFTactics on the train ride to and from work, so I thought I'd drop an update for those of you who are interested in knowing my progress.

Level: 99
Jobs to Master: Summoner (lv. 6), Dragoon (lv. 1), Bard (lv. 1)
Jobs to Unlock: Samurai, Mime, Dark Knight

Level: 86
Jobs to Master: Knight, Time Mage, Summoner, Thief, Orator, Mystic, Dragoon, Ninja, Arithmetician
Jobs to Unlock: Samurai, Bard, Mime, Dark Knight

Level: 67
Jobs to Master: Knight, Archer, White Mage, Black Mage, Time Mage, Summoner, Thief, Orator, Arithmetician
Jobs to Unlock: Dragoon, Ninja, Samurai, Bard, Mime, Dark Knight

Level: 99
Jobs to Master: Knight, Archer, Summoner, Thief, Mystic, Geomancer, Dragoon, Ninja, Arithmetician, Bard
Jobs to Unlock: Samurai, Mime, Dark Knight

Level: 55
Jobs to Master: Knight, Archer, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, Time Mage, Summoner, Mystic, Geomancer, Dragoon, Ninja
Jobs to Unlock: Orator, Arithmetician, Samurai, Dancer, Mime, Dark Knight

Level: 99
Jobs to Master: Archer, Monk, Summoner, Mystic, Geomancer, Arithmetician
Jobs to Unlock: Thief, Dragoon, Ninja, Samurai, Mime, Dark Knight

Level: 99
Jobs to Master: Knight, Archer, Monk, Summoner, Geomancer, Dragoon, Ninja, Arithmetician
Jobs to Unlock: Samurai, Dancer, Mime, Dark Knight

Level: 44
Jobs to Master: Knight, Archer, White Mage, Black Mage, Time Mage, Mystic, Geomancer
Jobs to Unlock: Summoner, Orator, Dragoon, Ninja, Arithmetician, Samurai, Dancer, Mime, Dark Knight

Level: 99
Jobs to Master: Knight, Archer, Summoner, Dragoon, Ninja, Arithmetician
Jobs to Unlock: Samurai, Dancer, Mime, Dark Knight

Level: 11
Jobs to Master: Machinist, Chemist, Knight, Archer
Jobs to Unlock: Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, Time Mage, Summoner, Thief, Orator, Mystic, Geomancer, Dragoon, Ninja, Arithmetician, Bard, Onion Knight, Samurai, Bard, Mime, Dark Knight

If you're wondering why Mustadio is still only a level 11 character, it's because I'm still in Chapter 2 and not to the point where he becomes a controllable character. I'm currently at Lionel Castle, though, and will soon be making my way to Goug -- something I should've done a long time ago but didn't -- to make him a playable character and move the story along a bit. All I have to do is get past the Tchigolith Fenlands and I'm there.
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