Wow. Been a long time since I posted here, hasn't it? It only stands to reason that the only reason I'm getting around to it tonight is to pass on news that's not any fun at all. :-P
odogoddess is sick. She's been feeling kinda lousy since last week, then on Sunday she got a killer headache, body aches and other assorted goodies to go with it. Since she'd already scheduled an appointment for today (the soonest they'd had, when she called last week), she decided to tough it out until then.
Yeah, I know, I probably should have dragged her to the ER...but neither one of us was raised that way, and it's a hard decision to make. More on that philosophy in some other post.
So, anyway, we went to the Dr. this afternoon and the Dr. was unpleased, to say the least. She also gave us holy whatfor for not going to the ER, and said if
odogoddess's oxygenation levels weren't up to snuff, she was going to send her there right away.
Well, they were .03.
So she had a breathing treatment and was given some sample meds and prescriptions and enjoined to get a chest x-ray first thing in the morning and then come back to the Dr. Herein fail not, at your peril. Or something like that. We both think she suspects pneumonia.
(I've had a dringk, just in case it shows...)
So we got home and got her back to bed and fed and medicated and now she's trying to sleep. I called Aunt T and
odogoddess's mom, just to keep them in the loop. And e-mailed my office I'd be out tomorrow. And fed the dog and fielded a follow-up call from the Dr, who wanted to be sure that if she got any worse we'd go to the ER. Yes, I promise!
And then I had a drink. Just one. I figured I was tired enough that two woudl knock me out. Which doesn't sound like such a bad idea, right now.
Lordy, I'm tired.
Anyway, more news as soon as it's available.
odogoddess says "Hi!" and waves feebly from her bed of sickness to all her online friends, so if you care to pass it on to any of her-and-your mutual friends who won't see this, please feel free. And if you've got an extra erg of good intentions or prayers or reiki or whatever else that might be helpful, just lying around the house, taking up space and getting dusty and all...we'd certainly appreciate it.
Take care guys, I'm going to let the dog in and go sack out, myownself.