Spring 2006....woooohoooooooooo....::lifts shirt::
Just kidding...i lifted my skirt not my shirt...
So break was nice cuz i was with the family and even if we dont do anything spectacular...its the fams and i love being home watching Escandalo TV, Cristina, Don Fransisco Presenta, and Familia Peluche with my mom and randomly hugging my dad and randomly fighting with my little bro cuz he swears i'm his little sister even tho he knows i'm his big sister and thus i rule..not him....i rule dammit...me....he's addorable tho, he bought me a kelaidoscope for christmas and gave me a pencil which i will use for tests :)
I went to the Puerto Rican Souvenier shop on US1 and got the cutest key chain ever, the Daddy Yankee cd 'Barrio Fino en Directo' which brings a dvd as well, a limber which i ate and was delicious, and a Panky which is somewhat like a kit kat but better and my mom says she would eat it in puerto rico when she was little...awww isnt that cute
MACHETE MACHETE MACHETE...paquetun paqueta paquetun paqueta...
I would like to give "mad props" to Jen for letting me copy a reggaeton mix cd that has all my favorite songs and makes me not miss 94.9 Latino and Proud
So anywho as far as the scholastic part goes...i'm gonna be crazy busy this semester what with Business Calc, Statistics (both at 8am), Financial Accounting, Acting II, and Hon. Intro to Theatre (which unfortunatly is going to be much written work and reading...i'm not down with papers but kari is in the class and the teacher seems really nice so i'ma suck it up)
There's a dude in my acting class that looks similar to the guy i find hot from 'Rebelde'...only guy in my class is not the nice skinny type like Rebelde guy but a nice built type
This is a pretty boring entry i realize...if u agree well then forgetchu! But no really...
Esta noche es de travesuraaaaaaaaa.....not really cuz with 8 am classes every day i'm in bed by 10:30-11 :/
Last thing i'm going to say is that...