Jan 28, 2016 16:16

or-you don't know who these people are and there are too many for me to keep track.


THE NOBLE HOUSE OF EKARD(pronc. eh-card)
Lord Godfrey Ekard-head of the house, and the ruler of Yostou.
Lady Amelline Ekard-Godfrey's wife and co-ruler.
Lady Seresa Ekard-Elder child, and a skilled manipulator.
Lord Daren Ekard-Heir to the house, and generally disliked. Infamous for his fits of rage.
Lady Laeva Onero-Seresa's lady-in-waiting and lover. A skilled manipulator in her own right.


Lord Edmund Wilan-A former noble of Yostou, his family was taken down by the Ekards. He was an ornamental figure as an orphan and fostered by them, until he died in a tragic riding accident. Surprisingly, he lived, and now leads the resisitance.
Arisa Corvus-Edmund's lover, a Brossean captain. Her father was a Tannasian nobleman, and her mother died a captive.
Lady Alysane Namar, called Alice-Used to be a Yostou noble. Her family would have been eradicated had her sister not married into a Tannasian house. Part of Edmund's rebellion.
Lady Rhiannon Namar-Alice's sister. Notable for having many husbands who died in...unfortunate circumstances.
Hahna Caras-One of Edmund's lieutenants despite her youth.
Kurtus-Half-Tannasian, half-Yosti. He has a deep hatred for the Tannas empire.
Yora Waters-A member of Arisa's crew and her first mate. Skilled fighter.

atuf dramatis personae, atuf, writing
