Icon Tutorial 02

Jun 28, 2007 16:07

Make this
into this

Program Used: Paint Shop Pro 7
Transferable: Photoshop (Use selective color)

Stock Image: Gamespot.com
Texture: gender
Brush (Image Pack): shoegal_icons

Step 01

Take any base you want or crop a base from any stock image.

Step 02

Duplicate the base layer and set the blend mode to screen. Lower the opacity of the layer if needed.

Step 03

Flood fill any color blue on a new layer then set the blend mode of the layer to screen.

Step 04

Duplicate the base layer and bring it to the top then set the blend mode to overlay.

Step 05

Create a new adjust layer and select channel mixer (ps user: selective color) Try to get a creamy color tone.

Step 06

Flood fill the new layer with a creamy color then set the blend mode to saturation.

Step 07

Keep the creamy color that you have before from the previous step. Have that color as the background and the foreground with the color blue that you had used in step 3. Then click on the black arrow on the lower right corner of the foreground. Select the second square with three small boxes (gradient). Flood fill with the gradient (blue to creamy) and set the blend mode to staturation. (Photoshop users use the gradient tool for this.)

Step 08

Duplicate the base and bring it to the top then set the blend mode to ligthen.

Step 09

Create a curve layer the click towards the top right corner. Lower the box that have appear until you are satisfy with the result.

Step 10

Chose any light texture and paste it on top then set the blend mode to screen. Flip the texture if needed and carefully with the lasso tool (it doesn't have to be perfect) Circle around the area where the focus is covered by the texture. Feather it then press delete on the keyboard and delesect. The light texture I used is from gender

Step 11

Create a new layer then select any small text brush. Brush it on the new layer in white. I used tiny text brush from shoegal_icons

Step 12

This step is optional. Create new layer and flood fill it with black then select all and contract the selection by 1 px. Press the delete key on the keyboard to get rid of the color black in the selection. Deselect and you're done.

tutorials, photoshop, paint shop pro

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