Mar 12, 2006 02:11
so it's just after 2am and i feel i should be deeply asleep right now. however, about half an hour ago i awoke to severe pain in my lower and upper left teeth. now these two spots are where i had 3 fillings done a few days ago (2 on the bottom and 1 on the top) so i attribute my discomfort to that. i really fail to understand why my teeth have just started hurting like this now when the fillings were done 4 days ago. and it's a really deep sort of pain, inside the teeth. i've taken tylonol. it's slowly helping. but not fast enough. meanwhile my mouth hurts so goddam much i can't sleep. so here's my pain-driven fuck you to dentists, cavities, and fillings. these mothereffing teeth better stop throbbing or they will get ripped out w/ no regrets! to everyone who was sleeping the sleep of a pain-free mouth tonight, fuck you too.