OOOh how he watches so sadly, how can he tell her he loves her?

Apr 03, 2006 19:29

OoOh my gosh blue font ooooooh yes feels good mmmmmmm yessss blue.

Yes, I will use blue to talk about and describe things that I love, or at least have a fond affinity/sexual attraction to. =]  For instance, my 20 something  year old manager named Izzy. Whose at least six inches taller than me, cuban, and sexy. In that oh so sexy yes I'm lanky  but that just means I can strech way more than the average person.

At this point, I give you permisson to say, why yes,yes she may be in love. *smile smile smile* But you know me- and I am just over exaggerating my affection for someone I barely a proper dominican would. =] I should stop joking about stuff like that, it would suck if I married a dominican and he was like...

Him: Hey I don't love you at all, you were just what I was feelin at the time, now I'm feeling divinely beautiful super models so can we get a divorce? XD
Me: Can I keep the blue ferarri and sex on mondays and fridays?
Me:*shrugs shoulders* Meh, what can you do?

But thats not imporant. Back to my evaluation of beautiful men, Izzy is just the first I will talk about. XD

Yeah so he gave me a ride home on ...saturday? and he definately drag raced while I was in the car... You may be going. OH MY GOSH HOW RUDE HOW DARE HE?!?! In my mind I was like...IF HE WINS,TAKE HIM. TAKE HIM AND DO ALL THOSE THINGS THAT JUST WENT THROUGH YOUR HEAD.

I mean, I've never been a really shy person to begin with anyways... why start now?

So lets review and check back later cuz my dad wants the computer,
  1. Sexy cuban man.
  2. Sexy cuban man drag racer.
  3. Sexy cuban man drag racer whose TALL.
  4. Could this be in the end of my life as a virgin? You decide.
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