
Nov 11, 2008 17:03

Has anyone else had this odd feeling like someone took the top of your head off? I don't mean literally, it's just that my mind feels awfully... open. It's like the opposite of a headache. How much sense am I making?

Oh, well. It's probably nothing. Certainly not that serious compared to what's been happening to some people...


... I must be getting absent-minded; I don't remember picking up this book, but here it is in my hand. I'm twenty-three, I shouldn't be having "senior moments..."

((OOC: Though he doesn't realize it, he's been affected by the mind plot - something's shaken loose some extra psychic power somewhere in his head and he's moving things telekinetically without thinking about it.  In fact, it's going to stick around after the plot's over, though not as strong as it is now.  Schuldig-mun, if this isn't okay, just poke me and I'll find something else to do with this.))

mind plot, [weiss kruz] schuldig

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