Story Title: Simple Complexities
Author’s name: cestmoi01
Rating: G/PG
Pairing: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
Spoilers: none, really
Warnings: none
Flashslash 94 Set 2Notes: Eh, I’m not sure how I feel about this one, but I’m posting it since I actually finished it within the time requirement.
Word Count: 250
flashslash, master-apprentice,
quiobisupport,; any others welcome, just please ask
Summary: Obi-Wan had at first thought that his Master was a simple man…but he learns differently.
Simple Complexities
Obi-Wan had at first thought that his Master was a simple man - not just in the way he lived his life, for his Master’s quarters were indeed sparsely furnished, but also in his motivations: heed the will of the Living Force, and do always what you believe to be right. Even if you must ignore the dictates of the Council.
After living with the man for many years, though, he was glad to affectionately admit that Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn was much more complex than he had first thought. Certainly he believed in doing right and following the Living Force, and certainly he went against the Council’s wishes in order to comply with his own sense of right and wrong more often than they would like, but that was not all there was to the man. Nor did his strong convictions diminish the great inner conflicts that he sometimes struggled with to reach them. He was intensely private - very rarely did Obi-Wan catch a glimpse of his Master’s occasional inner turmoil and the great depth of his emotions - and much of him still remained a mystery to his Padawan - the little quirks to his personality and habits that Obi-Wan would never understand but had come to love nevertheless.
But gazing into his storm-cloud eyes as they lay sated and joined after passionate love-making, as they whispered their hearts’ vows to each other, Obi-Wan knew that Qui-Gon’s soul - whether it be simple or complex - would never be a mystery to him.