Nov 08, 2008 13:48
I'm starting my own meme.
Pick out your favorite book. Randomly open to any page and pick a paragraph from that page.
Post it.
Continue on.
"The student-mistress was much younger than Sabina, and the musical composition of her life had scarcely been outlined; she was grateful to Franz for the motifs he gave her to insert. Franz's Grand March was now her creed as well. Music was now her Dionysian intoxication. They often went dancing together. They lived in truth, and nothing they did was secret. They sought out the company of friends, colleagues, students, and strangers, and enjoyed sitting, drinking, and chatting with them. They took frequent trips to the Alps. Franz would bend over, the girl hopped on his back, and off he ran through the meadows, declaiming at the top of his voice a long German poem his mother had taught him as a child. The girl laughed with glee, admiring his legs, shoulders, and lungs as she clasped his neck."
-The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera