Aug 13, 2005 18:33
i'm the only person in my family that can procreate. which is a powerful albeit strange realization.
having a full time job really makes one appreciate the weekend. saturday has never looked as beautiful to me as it does at this moment.
the secret to a successful interview is presentation. it's 10 percent about what you say and 90 percent about how you say it.
to convince someone of anything, you must first convince yourself.
i have a certain set of people that i dream about on a consistent basis. the amount of time i've spent with them or if i've seen them in years has no bearing upon the frequency of which they appear in my dreams and i find this curious. i wonder if they remain in my subconscious moreso than others because these are the people that i connect myself with. as in i find parallels between their lives/desires and mine, so my brain uses them as symbols more frequently than people who i see as different than myself...i dunno, possible answer.