We have ice cube trays to make tiny ice. XD They're for, like ... booze. But it will be awesome because we can put them into bottles and things for water! ... the ice, not the booze.
Also, in spite of my yam lotion, my uterus is letting forth geysers. I don't approve of the resulting sloshy feeling.
I love my Nook! I got one last month and it is awesome! Right now, they're giving away free classics every Friday, so I'm currently reading The Secret Garden. For free! I've always meant to read it and now I can.
I'm also playing Dragon Quest IX. It is awesome. I made a cute little me and a cute little Frankie and a couple of other characters that've been floating around in my brain for years. I just got us up to level 38 so we totally maxed out a single stat each. Hooray!
Work is okay, but it still jumps up to eat my life sometimes. One of the guys I work with had a malignant lump in his colon, so he's out every Thursday for chemo. It sucks, but at least so far he's doing okay. I hope it stays that way. It also sucks for us because if anyone else is out for any other reason, they expect either me or my fellow shift coworker to come in. Because we will, I suspect. But there you have it, extra money for overtime, but so much work that I'm surprised I didn't have a meltdown at the height of it.
On the plus side,
daltontrix and I have my birthday weekend off together! That's a full eleven days of freedom! Together! Well, nine or ten days if you count the recovery times since we work opposite schedules, but whatever. We're not sure what we're going to do, yet, but maybe we'll go to Universal and see the new Harry Potter ride/villiage.
By the end of the year, we should have $30,000 saved up toward buying a house. Still nothing good showing up on the radar, though, and that's concerning. We can't help but think maybe we're too picky.
When's the next real Suikoden game coming out? I want it next.
By the way, I love Frankie and it makes me happy on the inside. That is all.