Feb 13, 2006 15:32
Well seeing how the Keith Urban entry really wasn't that much of an entry i thought i'd update a lil on my life.
I plan on going home this weekend, seeing how i haven't been home since break. I miss my family and can't wait to see em, and i can't wait to see bear and him gettin so excited to see me. I plan on gettin my hair cut since i haven't done so in a while, i also might dye it back to blonde....i guess i really don't care what other people will think of it anymore...i'm not really tryin to impress anyone anymore, i tried that and failed miserably so might as well forget about it.
If you don't already know, I'm headin off to Texas for a lil bit during spring break to visit my sister and to check out the sights and sounds since i've never been there. I plan on buying a certified texas cowboy hat just because i want to. I also told kendra to check into some bars that do line dancing because i really wanna go to one.
Valentine's Day is tomorrow. I know at first I wanted one, but you know what....21 years without having a valentine is a pretty good streak to have. It works out well, by my calculations i've probably saved about 500 dollars by not having one all these years so it works out pretty good. I kinda feel bad for the guys who really don't care about this hallmark holiday, but have to pretend they do in order for their significant other not to get really pissed at em. My ideal Valentine wouldn't care what i get her, if its cheap, they'll like it. Cute things are what girls want now a days...not really expensive things.
The people who really do make me laugh and i don't feel sorry for are the ones who buy really expensive rings and jelewry because they think that things are gonna be perfect and that it'll last forever. I'm sorry losers, but nothing good lasts forever, i've figured that out many times. So save your money. It'll be worth it in the long run....trust me.