Sep 12, 2010 14:43


The concert was really short but I had a lot of fun. (although my other gold ticket was wasted because it wasnt used...I still have it with me now...*sigh*)

Anyway, I'M SO DAMN PROUD TO SAY I HAD ONE OF THE BEST POSITIONS IN THE CONCERT CROWD. hahaha. No, I wasn't in the "mosh pitt area" which is around 8k++ and not in the VIP area as well (which is around 4.5K). My ticket is for the area next to VIP. And guess what... I was in the very middle and right next to us (behind us actually) is the control area. so there were like railings behind me and beside me. I ENDED UP SITTING ON THE RAILINGS.... I'm pretty much sure the people from the silver and bronze areas want to murder me now....whatever... I still got to see the boys (and they got to see me, cause I was in the middle and I was the only one sitting that HIGH. roflmao. *hides*

On to the concert, I wasnt able to take a video or pictures...cause I fail. and I opt to watch the concert instead. haha. First to perform was Christian Bautista and although I'm not a fan of him, I'd say that it was a good performance. Next up is.... no, not our boys but the attention seeker DJ/Actor-whatever KC Montero. Sorry, I just hate him. and he was the host of the show...and now he has the guts to tweet negative things about UKISS? wtf.

But lets forget that a** and proceed to UKISS. (lol) they appeared on the second stage (which is above the 1st one) and I was like: GO! JUMP! DONT WORRY, WE'LL CATCH YOUN GUYS!. haha. I dont know the sequence anymore but they sang BINGGEUL BINGGEUL, MWORAGO, MAN MAN HANI and END OF THE ROAD. They also did some fan interactions in between... and we got to see Soohyun and Kiseop's abs...rofl. Alot more happened during the fan interaction but I suggest you guys should just look it up on youtube instead. XD.

RAIN is... RAIN. haha... I'm not much of a fan but I enjoyed the performace. I esp. liked RAINISM and LOVE SONG and there's one other song he sang that I dont know what the title is....but I love it <3. Oh, and did I mention there was a show of skin skin? haha.

Well, that's my take for what happened last night... I want to write more but I'll...just leave it to this. XD

Take care guys~

u-kiss, concert, rain

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