Title: Juichigatsu Ame
Author: Hime [cess-chan]
Chapter: 6/7
Rating: PG - 13
Pairing: TegoPi
Genre: AU, Romance, Drama
Summary: Tegoshi Yuya was left alone in his apartment in Tokyo after his cousin went back to Kobe. He finds a mysterious young man lying outside his apartment and takes him in only to find out that the man had lost his memory. Tegoshi
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Comments 24
Yamapi finally knew something about his past.
He was going to leave Tegoshi?? No!!
And it's about to end? I can't wait for it.
*hails cess-sama*
i can' tell what'll happen next since I dont know it myself...rofl. see you on the 9th btw <33
*baka dumaan po ako sa newsph gathering.:P
gnabare Yuya~~ganbare~~
poor Tegoshi. Pi left him there and chose to do what he had to do and not what he wanted to do. :S
anyway, gambatte ne! will be looking forward to the next chapter.
im waiting for your next fic btw. lol
lol. my stack of unfinished fics. are still in progress. i'm really struggling with writing. i lack the time and the vocabulary to express the stories in my head. i'm sadly trapped in my imagination. but nevertheless, i'll try my best ne!
good luck to you as well! :]
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