Feb 21, 2008 04:02

I know I'm a bit late..sorry or that minna...I couldn't go online yesterday since I came home at around 9 pm T_____T. We had a practice or social dance so... *dies*

Anyways, I'd like thank all those writers out there who have submitted their work! Also..or all those people who read and those who voted in the poll I have made in the past week. *hugs everyone*

As I've promised, here are the results:

Housemates - 20 votes
&&&& author:

Stealing Summer - 16 votes
&&&& author:
kkfics7113 /

You Made me Love You - 7 votes
&&& author:

P.S. - 5 votes
&&& author:

oh...and and there's also entry # 2 which is... What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You by
maoling . I really wish I could read more <333 I hope you'd still continue writing it ^___^

anyways, thanks again minna... oh...for the authors...pls. email me your name and addresses... I did promised something for all of you~ <333

Oyasumi <3 I still have the damned chem to study

tegopi contest

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