Jan 24, 2008 00:25
Wow, so as my last entry said another 2lbs down, this feels great. I can put on my jeans freshly washed and not have the fight with them (thought that does mean after about 2hrs they’re baggie as all hell. I’m more than 10lbs light than when I first started and that is exciting!
I do need to step up my exercise and make sure I’m eating enough. My body has been fighting off a cold for a couple of days, but other than being stuffy, very tired and taking a couple of naps Sunday and Monday, I haven’t seen much in the way of my cold.
I don’t know if I have mentioned this before, but I have an issue with recurring fungal skin infections (between my breasts, under my arms, just below my bellybutton and the small of my back) and have had them for several years now. One thing I learned when I read the Diet Cure was that many people have issues with too much yeast in their systems and this can cause recurring infection. The remedy is to avoid yeast bearing products and taking Oregano Oil. I am happy to report that the old, dry skin is sloughing off and there is little to no new redness underneath. In addition to that I took a DIY systemic yeast test and it read normal. To do this first thing in the morning (before brushing) you spit in a glass of water and check is in ten to fifteen minutes. If it floats on top you have normal yeast, if it drops spidery legs you have mild yeast problems and if it all drops to the bottom you have an excessive yeast problem (which I used to have).
I have so much more energy over all and I find my body is good at telling me when I am lacking in calories or have too little protein. I know I’m getting better because I love the taste of regular old healthy foods again, like tuna fish and eggs (but not together). Oh and I love, love, love popcorn again. I’ve been eating lots of fruits and veggies too and ALWAYS eating breakfast.
I was even able to eat out a couple of times and still keep healthy. Last night Jackie, Loryn and I took on of my clients from work out to Applebee’s. I ordered off of the Weight Watchers menu, it was so good and just the right size for me. 4oz steak (lean sirloin cut) with mushrooms and about 1/4c brown sauce, 1c steamed broccoli with garlic, and about 1/2c steamed new potatoes.
YUM! I’m still getting plenty of water; I take my hot pink 40oz water jug everywhere I go. Two to three times a day I have hot herbal tea, usually Licorice Spice by Stash teas. I love it because it leaves a slight sweetness on the back of the tongue, so it’s almost like a treat.
Now that I have a nice base going I’m going to start coming up with some fun new food ideas. I also make a point of talking everyone about what I am doing with this and how I am feeling, it helps a lot.
I hung out with Kelly again on Sunday, it was lots of fun. I got two new books at Barnes and Noble last night. I found a copy of the Iliad by Homer for $1 and I loved the Odyssey when we studied it my freshman year so I thought I would really enjoy this too and for a buck you can’t go wrong. I also bought Vampire Hunter D, I’ve loved the movie for years and found out that is actually based on the first book in a series by Hideyuki Kikuchi, who was inspired by 1958’s Horror of Dracula. Next I will have an entry of Daughter’s Worth, and to clear this up it is a piece written by me, an ongoing work to help me with the father issues I have.